
Do you ever wonder if you chose the best partner?

by Guest66476  |  earlier

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Husband, wife, whatever...

How can you be sure?




  1. You never know.

  2. In my opinion if you're sure you just know and you have a feeling deep down inside of you. If you can't imagine being away from that one special person, then you know you have made the right choice. Love is something that is hard to explain, but easy to feel.

  3. I wonder everyday if I chose the right one.....!!!!!!....

  4. wonder, no.

    know for certain without a shadow of a doubt, ya you betcha.

  5. If I do, I just go read some of the profiles on and thank God I'm not single. It makes me realize how wonderful my husband is

  6. I know I married the right man.He is wonderful yeah we've had our problems but I couldn't think of ever being with anyone else.

  7. I did the best with what I had at the time.  We had lived together for many years.  Had a child together.  He  had me choose between marrying him or breaking up.    I had no income of my own, so I married.

  8. i know for sure i didnt make the best choice, but there comes a point where you have choices to make.  when kids, finances, families and all of those things get involved, there comes a point where you have to weigh good and bad.  sometimes the things upsetting you are smaller than the good things, so you cope with the bad and go on the best you can.

  9. don`t wonder....KNOW I didn`t!

  10. Well do i think that i could be suited with someone else? Absolutely, I think that there could be millions of other men on this planet that i could possibly be happy with, but the truth is that i WANT to be with the guy i married and no other guy will do and that is how i know that i chose the best partner for me.

  11. You ever heard that there is a thin line between Love and Hate?  When you are very close to someone, you will always have "days" when things aren't going so well.  But it always passes.  Try and not ever go to bed Angry.  Good Luck  xox  

  12. I knew when I saw her. After 23 years she`s still my everything~

  13. I never wonder...I know both times I chose the wrong one.

    I believe in a marriage one always love more than the other one. Just make sure you're not that one.

  14. Give yourself a test: When you are sitting across the table from him just take a real good look and say to yourself; Is this the best i can do? then you will have your answer.

  15. You feel happy with him/her.

    Even he is ugly, fat, no hair, but if you happy spend time with him, he is your best partner.  

  16. I have never questioned my choice to marry my husband.  He is the one for me and always will be.  The reason I know this to be true is because when I think of life without him in it, it doesn't seem right, it is sad and lonely.  We have been together for 19 years and married for 17 of those years.  With every day that goes by I find more reasons to love him and we build a stronger, more trusting relationship.  

    On his side, both Grandparents were married for over 50 years before they died, his parents have been married for 44 years and still going strong, and his older sister has been married for 22 years.

    I told him that I wanted a 50th Anniversary and if he was not going to be around for it, he better be dead.  We will be 69 and 74 when we have our 50th.  

    When you find someone that seems to fit with you they may be the one.  It does take understanding and respect for one another.  It takes the ability to forgive, to accept, and to agree to let the past go and always move forward.  If you feel you can do these things with the person you find, they may be the one.  It is most important that you keep the lines of communication open and always be honest about how you feel, explain your position, and listen to their side too.

  17. you felt he was the best in the beggining didnt you...if you leave because you have will find someone else it was in the beggining wiht the ex...then over time wonder if he was the best will go on and on! Work wiht twhat you the one your with! Otherwise it will just keep working in a circle for you.....

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