
Do you ever wonder...?

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If you can really take anyone's insight/ info as credible when it comes to political discussions, like on yahoo answers? I mean, how many people know thoroughly the foundations of politics and American history? Like, I took AP history and am taking a political class next year...and watch the news often...many others do as well, but sometimes I get all wound up over responses from people who could be country bumpkins for all I know. It's all a bit ridiculous when you think about it...




  1. Are you saying that "country bumpkins" are not intelligent enough to form credible opinions about politics?

    Are you saying that people who do not know the "foundations of politics and American history"  cannot have credible political discussions?

    You are taking a high school history course.  For all your wonderful "knowledge," you are still very naive.  Keep learning, hon.  Judge less, listen more.

  2. Wonder?


    Why not?

    At loss and blurr.

    Decode this lyrics " Money, money, money"

    For short changing, conning and deceiving with cheap-skate ghostly stories.

    In case of emergency.

    With high rising cost of fuel and food as basic needs.

    How tribe with non-existence rights on tribe of original descendant with 30% equity rights to everythings in life off the land in short-changing, conning and deceiving  in kicking the butts of little children of other tribes of different community?

    With oppression and slavery in idol worshiping the dead Mummy with whiff of rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom as cheap-skate glory of success  National Identity with their self lack of knowledge in messing up with destruction of human lives of someone else little children with total loss of IQ as bunch of educated idiots.

    Is going to pay for the damages done without getting themselves run out of town after all these years?

    Should all the parents and teachers come after the tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant with 30% equity rights with "Lady in Red" and children of the pink pather with self image of "Proud Mary " as living doll for all the damages done on someone else little children with their unruly behaviour,self prides, self rudeness, self discrimination as people of self racism in kicking the butts of other tribes of different community in own backyards?

    Luke 6.39-40,14-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. well, you're taking a political class next year, are you going to take the insight/info of your professors as credible simply because they have a degree? Are you going to not disagree with them and take everything they say at face value because they have a degree? if you do, you'll be doing a disservice to yourself because you should understand they have an agenda and don't necessarily want to teach you to think but rather indoctrinate you. I think that is much more serious an issue than being concerned about this open forum for the masses (YA) where people can express their opinions and you can investigate freely what those opinions are, and modify yours accordingly. So although the free and open exchange of ideas may be ridiculous to you, I suggest you be more concerned about the indoctrination of lies you'll be subjected to in your political classes and have already been subjected to in your AP history class

  4. Thank you, what a poignant message. I agree, most people have opinions, but you know what they say about opinions....

    Anyway most people have no idea what they are talking about... If you would ever like to have a decent political discussion... I look forward to it!

  5. you can never know. But just because it has the potential to be fake, doesn't mean you still can't believe in it.

  6. No... Not really!

    Can't say that I do!

  7. I am glad you also look at our history when making political decisions. Always look to the Constitution.
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