
Do you ever wonder what cats think when you pick them up?

by  |  earlier

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Like, when we go up (on a rollercoaster etc) we, well most people, think thats fun. Cats get picked up a lot, and lifted four times higher than their height, do you think they think its fun?

Do they secretly hate us?

Maybe that's where they get that look from when you wash them and they looking like a drowned rat plotting revenge!





  1. i heard that cats feel safe when theyre high up (natural instinct or sumthin) from predators so ya

  2. I don't really know what they are thinking but i pretty sure (but not that sure) if they are trying to tell us to put them down or what. :D

  3. Not really, but by the looks on their faces, I  don't think I'd wanna know!

  4. mine prob, wants to bit me, lol

  5. i wonder alot more what ya was thinking when ya asked us this question.

  6. Nope, cant understand cats Mind o how it works, but if the cats likes to be picked up, then its ok to pick up the cat.  

  7. i never thiught of that tahnks

  8. My cat just loves on me when I pick him up! Hahaha! He is just too dopey!

  9. I have two kitties. a male kitty who is white and grey... and a female kitty who is all grey. When i try to hold the male kitty... Picking him up from the floor to my arms... he hates it... he wiggles and tries to scratch me. but if i am sitting down... he is better and somewhat more ok with it. it seems he likes to Choose when he is held. The female kitty likes to be held no matter how to get her. You cant go wrong holding her. Once sheis in your arms she is laying there lazly. she likes her tummy rubbed and she likes her head rubbed,, her neck under her chin rubbed.

    I dont think all cats hate to be carried or picked up. but i know my male kitty does not like it much. I dont think they hate us at all. any animal cant hate... less it is to another animal. that is possible.

    my kittens have gotten a bath once a month since i brought them home at 7 weeks... so they are used to it. My male kitten was in a parking lot and i rescued him! he was clean as a button... someone dumped the whole litter and he smelled like soap... perfectly healthy other then being hot and thirsty!

    he is really awesome i dont know why someone would dump him off!

  10. "Oh c**p, not again."

  11. my cat has always hated me i dont no why but every moning the cat poops or pees on my shoes that is not funny i never did anything to that cat but the cat wants me dead god help my soul.

  12. "Another p***y lover"

  13. My cat just stares blankly around. But if I hold her up for too long she begins to fidget and meow.

  14. my cats usually squrim and meow when i pick them up.

  15. When you pick a cat up, it depends upon the relationship between you and it. If you are great friends with the cat it will take you picking it up as a sign of compassion and love.        If you are picking it up and you did not form a good    relationship , then yes it will probably screech and attempt to get away, and yes it might secretly hate you. But don't worry the cat may get used  to it, though it may not be their idea of "fun."

  16. depends on if when you pick them up it was because they wanted to be picked up or you wanted to pick them up.

    but I'm sure either way at least for a second they are like oh c**p! what happened to the floor?!  :-)

  17. yeah, theyre saying don;t touch me. im sterile.

  18. i dont think most of them mind too much because they dont put up too much of a fight. plus, cats can express discomfort just by meowing so if it angrily hisses and meows chances are it doesnt really want to go for a ride

  19. Nah, I don't think they hate us. My cat will squirm and cry when I pick her up. She will amuse me for about 60 seconds by allowing me to cuddle and coddle her then she's ready to get down. But, she purrs the entire time she's wiggling and trying to get down.  She just doesn't want me to know how much she secretly enjoys it.

    As far as being lifted off the ground, yeah, pretty sure it's not fun for them. They like to be in control. When they want to be high up, they climb or leap.

  20. Well, my cat squirms for while before relaxing (when she gets used to it). But personally, I think they would be thinking what "Garfield" would usually think. I don't know what but something funny. Haha

  21. As an owner of many cats I can tell you that cats, for the most part, love contact with humans. This includes picking them up to show affection.

    I'm not sure anyone on earth can actually tell you what a cat is thinking. They are quite independent creatures. However, if cats were not open to being domesticated, they would live like squirrels and skunks, and we would never have domesticated them to begin with. Evidently the ancient Egyptians discovered that cats are quite easliy domesticated, and so they started the trend.

    As far as the look while having a bath...cats are naturally afraid of water. They simply don't like it. You CAN train a cat to take a bath, but they do not like it. It's an instinctual thing, and there's no way around that aspect of it.

  22. i wish my cat would let me pick her up.  she's so dang mean, but i still love her.  i just have to wait til she comes to me to give her some attention!

  23. yes all the time

  24. they prbably get caught by surprise

  25. Yeah, it's......"put me down"


  26. I think cats think that I will endure this because this person feeds me, buys me toys, and scratches and massages me.

  27. Yes I have..that's why I don't pick up my cat,Pepper, many times.

    Whenever I pick him up he acts like a fussy baby and tries to get out of your hands and does a constant,"meow".

    He must be like Garfield lol.  

  28. I think they're just like us, some of us don't like roller coasters and some cats will try to scratch your eyeballs out if you pick em up x]

  29. my cat loves it when i pick her up. and yes she's spoiled

  30. actually, i wondered about that a lot.  used to work with cats and got that look A LOT.  i don't think they hate us (we feed them, after all). but I think some of them really would rather be left alone....

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