
Do you ever wonder what this world is coming to?

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How can anyone deserve to have cancer? Or why would anyone wish to have cancer?

On here there are a number of q and a's that are about Jade Goody having being diagnosed with cancer. I dont particularly think a lot of this woman, she is load, annoying and has a lot of money for not doing anything. But she is also mother to two young boys, isn't that enough to hope that she will recover from this.




  1. I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone but lets face it she will milk it for all it's worth for it's publicity value. I wouldn't be surprised if she is already negotiating a fee for her story with magazines such as OK and Hello and interviews with GMTV, Loose Women etc.

  2. I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy

    If she has got it I hope she beats it, after all she does have two small children

    What I don't like is the way it's splashed across the papers as though we are supposed to feel sorry for her

    i remember when Kylie was diagnosed with breast cancer and that's all the papers went on about

    Celebs are no more special than us normal folk and shouldnt be treated any differently

  3. Nobody deserves to have Cancer any more than any other Life threatening Illness.

    No one deserves to be unmercifully Maimed, Hurt and Killed, Bombed or any other of the Horrors in this World.

    Sadly very Little can be done for Terminal Illness,as yet.

    The rest Man himself could Stop, Though this is Unlikely

    as Man acts in Ignorance and Greed.

    The question is What has This World Become!?

  4. Sure.

    Why not?

    Decode this lyrics " Mad, mad world"

    Look in the real world.

    It's a "Wild  world"


    There"s human intelligent out there?

    Not primitive living human kind in different time zone?

    Living in misery like cave-men from the twilight zone in different time zone?

    At loss and stranded out there in time?

    Still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life?

    In climbing up the coconut trees in "Planet of apes"

    Look around in the streets.

    Who were out there in executive suits with the tie on?

    Notice any I-Robots with A.I.?

    What about the defective, malfunction humanoids out there?

    Notice the dead Mummies creaking and rattling with empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets passing by in time too?

    Notice any hospital patients getting chop up by a desk-top too?

    After that get thrown out into the junkyards in time?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. tim is a prat, ok so everyone thinks jade goody is a bit dim and has got famous for doing nothing except being in big brother but she must be more intelligent than all of us because most of us are stay at home moms or in dead end jobs, we wouldnt be on here if we werent we'd be sunning ourselves on a caribbean island or shopping at harrods so i guess she isnt as thick as everyone thought ! having said that i am no particular fan of hers but i certainly do not wish anyone to have cancer and it appalls me to think that someone would wish that on her just because she is dim and slightly annoying, as you say what is the world coming to when total strangers can be so downright nasty to someone that they really don't know from adam . xx

  6. nobody deserves to have cancer

    but shes still a fat oik

    it says a lot about the state of britain that we make celebrities out of talentless ignoramuses like her

  7. People get various illnesses not because God allows it. but because it is a way to control the population, after all you can;t live forever.

  8. Yeah, the world just seems full of pure nastiness sometimes, and seems to just get worse!

  9. oh my god what is the world coming to, grow up, if shes got cancer shes got cancer and she was susposed to have it. I think shes a fat pig, if she has really got cancer do i suddenly feel sorry?, well yes alittle but shes still a fat pig

  10. I think that Jade is a good person deep inside. All that stuff that happened on Big Brother was just her getting swayed and letting herself get swayed by misconceptions about Shilpa.

    She does not deserve Cancer, no one can. I think it was just unlucky and she had beenhaving cancer scares before. Knowing that it is cervical cancer, it is a good thing she's had two boys already now, it may prevent her from having more children - who knows.

    No one knows what the world is coming to - new things are being accepted that were never before. Just gotta wait and see i suppose.  

  11. I do not know who Jade Goody is, but I'm sorry to hear anybody has cancer. But no one "deserves" or does "not deserve" to get cancer, it just happens. But as for "What is the world coming to?", it's the same thing as it always has been, eventually it will end, but in the meantime all kinds of things, good and bad will happen. People will think if something bad happens they do not deserve it, but it still happens, and good things happen and people don't give it as much thought.

  12. I worry about it alot.  

  13. OK try this ................

    Many people have said in the past that YA is not the 'real world' but 'cyberland', very true of course, however, I do believe that YA reflects the 'real world' .......... petty jealousies ........ racism ......... religious bigotry and intolerance just to name a few.

    So where is the surprise when vindictiveness and spite are added to the pot?

    There are a lot of sick and sad people out there, .......... what goes around comes around!

  14. I logged on this morning and then logged off again after seeing some of the comments. I don't like Jade much, she's a bit of an idiot with a big mouth to put it lightly, but there is no way she can be compared to the likes of Gary Glitter. She has two young children and she is probably terrified right now. No we shouldn't have any more sympathy for her than any other cancer sufferer just because she is a "celebrity", but some of the things people were saying were out of order. I wish her well.

  15. No one deserves cancer..I have seen too many die from cancer

  16. I do hope she recovers from this, but more so that we can all stop seeing her annoying face all over the news. I really am sick of seeing her name and her face.

    sure, I dont believe that annoying=deserves it, but why should she get any more sympathy than anyone else? there are millions of sick people, but everyone's bringing her the flowers? not cool. She's got money for treatment and lives in a country where there IS treatment even if you're "poor". My tears are distributed elsewhere

  17. No-one hopes she has cancer. But why is her case anymore important than anyone elses?

    I dont see any other names being mentioned here sympathetically. Yet some Z List celebrity determined to cling onto her fading fame, somehow demands all our sympathy????

    Hardly fair is it?

  18. The worlds coming to a

    The whole worlds a joke.The only people that deserve to have cancer are people that have raped and sexual abused people and people that have murdered there the people that deserve to havecancer.

  19. Shouldn't your question be about Jane Goody?

    You ask if we wonder what the world is coming to, and then change tactics and ask about J.G.

    My answers are as follows:

    I don't wonder what the world  is coming to, but I do wonder what the UK is coming to!!

    As or J.G, anyone, regardless of fame, fortune, good looks or status in this world etc,is to be pitied if they are inflicted with this terrible disease. They should have found a cure for it by now, the amount of money that is spent on research and they are still no further ahead.

    I hope she makes a full recovery and I wish her and her family the best of luck. At least if anything dire happens (and I hope not) she will at least leave a good legacy for her children, much more than most of us who have lost anyone and struggle afterwards to rebuild their lives.

  20. No one deserves Cancer (with the exception of Gary Glitter)it is a horrible disease, I for one hope she beats it especially for the sake of her two small children.

  21. I agree 'Whast is this world coming to?'

    People having cancer, terrorists, etc

    We put on earth to live happily not to live our lives being sad and in pain

  22. the world is kmin 2 an end.....

    n u cant do anything for it untill n unless the world changes itself........

    so just njoy life with the time left............

  23. I think people are venting their spleen at her because she has used her ignorance to gain noteriety. I have little sympathy for her, but that doesnt mean i want her dead. i just think we should care more for the lovely kind people who have cancer, rather than the rich spoiled ones.

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