
Do you ever wonder why psychic readers live in such rundown houses?

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Shouldn't they be in Vegas or betting on the horses?




  1. First of all I don't know where some people get off thinking that psychics are supposed to be rich and have the best of everything, etc..... Just because a person can see into the past, present, or future doesn't mean that they know every single thing. Having psychic abilities is a gift. Not everyone that claims to be psychic is real as we all know. But the honest and good ones should not be laughed at and not taken seriously. Some psychics can see bits of the future. Some psychics can see bits of the present. While other psychics can see bits of the past. And then you have some that have a combination of all 3. But, they don't know everything. Psychic abilities have a limit. People are always asking why psychics don't win the lottery. Well, the common sense answer to that is because their not meant to see winning numbers for themselves yet alone other people. Their gift is truly meant to help people. But as we know a lot of them don't use it for this purpose. Some just want to make money of it or show off. Anyway, my point is a really good honest psychic doesn't have to market themselves to the world or even tell someone. And, most of all their just regular people that have to make a living just like me and you. Now as for the so called psychics  here on yahoo answers, I wouldn't take them seriously. No real psychic would be here everyday giving out free information to people just for the sake of it.

  2. Good Question.

    You are proving a good point. If they have that much awareness and insight, how come they are broke....

    The only one I know that is doing a good living is David Copperfield the illusionist.


  3. I don't do what people refer to as "psychic readings" but my intuition is a gift that I use to better myself. That includes living in an upscale neighborhood and making wonderful money by following my bliss.

    This ability, which we all have in varying degrees, isn't meant to give one something for nothing. However, I have indeed picked winning lottery numbers before. Not being materialistic in nature though, I don't hang out in Vegas or places like it.

  4. because they cant see anything coming that may hurt them...

  5. Actually no I haven't.  I know why they're in rundown houses.  They're liars, not psychic.  Those who truly can see use their abilities to help others rather then make a profit.  The truth lies within their clients.  Most people searching for such information are usually in a poor mental state hanging on to the past.  They're told what they want to hear so they keep coming back for more.  Those with enough sense realize they're being robbed.

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