
Do you ever wonder why you're your fathers favorite?

by  |  earlier

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I believe it's because he had an affair with a French w***e...he named me after her...and longs for yesteryear...

Poll: you're and your, did I use them properly? (GCG)




  1. oh S**t....he doesn't grab your as$ with a faraway, wistful look in his eye does he?  

  2. Because I am so great and my brothers...not so much.  

  3. Excellent grammatical structure.

  4. i actually have no idea.  but i feel awful for it.

  5. My dad knocked up my mom when she was 16.  My parents don't like me at all.

    Nice use of you're and your.

  6. No my da hates me, as a parent I cant fathom loving one child more or less than the other, its sad when parents do that, silly idiots shouldnt be having kids then should they?

    Yes you're and your used properly well done, did daddy send you to a proper school then? :)

  7. I'd say I'm his least favorite seeing as whenever my brother in law calls him he has an orgi. Or even anything to do w/ the brother in law, he is all about it and shoves me aside. Honestly think he's save him over me if we were both hanging from a cliff like "The Good Son" style.

    <-------------Needs a father figure. *Rocking back and forth in corner fetal position style*

  8. As I am his only daughter, well his only child! and yes you did use them correctly!  

  9. No, and if you'd met my brothers, you wouldn't, either.

  10. No, that infernal Nazarene is father's "good boy"

  11. Yes, you did properly use "your" and "you're"

    And it's because I have big t*ts.  

  12. no I am not his fav since I haven't spoken to hiim in 12 years...yes you used them correctly!


  13. being his least favourite, no i don't. and yes you did use them properly.

  14. I don't know, but i was told as a young boy i have Spanish Royalty breeding in my loins

  15. American w***e in my case, wish the name was more exotic.

  16. I think it's because I look just like my mother. :]

    & yes, you did.

  17. I think its simply because I'm better than my siblings .....

    .. and yes you did ... which is a first on here I believe ;-)

  18. AJ, please:;...

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