
Do you ever worry that the united states is digging its own grave and that our society will collapse?

by  |  earlier

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I see more and more the funding from the government depleeting the americans are not happy over all, we are at war, and it just seems things are spinning wildly out of control.




  1. with the pelosi/reid regime in charge...COUNT ON IT....these liberal extremists never understand there is no such thing as a free lunch and only now the bill is coming due.

  2. You are spot on. The reasons all point to globalism not being good for the country. Did you see Larry King's show last night where Mexico's ex-President Vincente Fox actually spilled the beans about the upcoming (2010) North American Union? That explains why the gov't won't secure the borders. Soon all of them and us - Mexicans, Canadians, Americans - will be one happy country.

  3. As long as libs are in control of government, they couldn't care less.

  4. Yes, the idea that we let in 25 million illegal aliens has done it. Those illegals are pooping out thousands of babies a day. All of them will need free housing, free healthcare, free food stamps, and a free bi-lingual or Spanish education. All paid for by the U.S. taxpayer! Kick em out.

  5. Even so the US is still the best place to be. You described a sign of the times and it affects the whole world.

  6. Well its a theory, And its possible, I mean, Rome was all powerful at one point too. And then, she spread herself too thin; tried to influence/control too much of the world and fell apart.

    But, hopefully we, as Americans, can stop this before it happens.

  7. nah well invade canada before we give up anythin

  8. Stop watching the news, pay attention to your own life, and you will discover that things really aren't that bad.

    The media has a vested interested in making it sound like the world is spinning out of control.  Well, in some places it is out of control...but the United States is not one of them.

  9. only every time i see a new government program or new spending for our ever increasing empire

    the sun never sets on the American empire, and its time to correct that

    Ron Paul 08'

    the only wasted vote is for the status quo

  10. I'm concerned about the long term effects of the socialism that is taking over our government. But as far as our country being on the edge of collapse? You're paying way too much attention to the 'gloom and doom' drive-by media. You can relax. This is actually the best time in history to be alive. You're quite lucky. We've been in far worse trouble than we're in now  (The Great Depression, World War II, The Civil War, etc.) and we came out of all of those crises better than before. Smile. You're living in a good time.

  11. Calm doen.  The US is the strongest nation on earth.  We have a few hundred more good years ahead of us.

  12. This isn't completely unrealistic.  Part of our economic problems right now stem from how much we spend just maintaining our debt.  

    This is NOT a conservative vs liberal issue, by the way.  It's mostly caused by something called "Corporate Personhood".  This is where large, powerful money making  organizations are allowed to participate in the choosing of representatives by throwing large amounts of money at the one that best suits their agendas.  

    It's already been demonstrated that commercial entities are almost entirely motivated by the goal to earn more money, and they don't really care what it costs others.  As the corporations increase their financial influence over the national government, they increasingly give us a government that favors their needs over those of the citizens.

    Specific examples of this involve starting wars to improve the bottom line of American oil interests, and giving no-bid government contracts to groups like Haliburton.  

    This is not Bush bashing.  He's a product of his environment, and just happens to be the most recent and most flagrant example.  As long as our representatives can win by outspending each other, and corporate sponsorship is the greatest contributor, we will continue down this road.

  13. Well, to be honest, I try not to worry about it. But it's hard. The decisions being made, the war, our's a nightmare.  I just hope we make it through.  Maybe praying we'll make it through, too.

  14. I would not worry, maybe our grandkids will enjoy being slaves to pay for the debt we are running now:-)

  15. It was simply a matter of time before the (any) democracy fell victim to those who would undermine it simply by stealing the bulk of the wealth. In that process all manner of other things have taken place and are by-products of a system that ran on kenesian economics. The decline you are seeing is that the heart of the economic engine is gone-manufacturing. Along with that is a decay or decadence, a lack of moral turpitude that started (publicly) way before Clinton (for those of you who dont like Billybob) and a silent nod by being silent gives the okay to spend $8 BILLION a month on a war that is a lie. The court system is armed to the teeth with laws but the prison system is a revolving door to violent criminals who will never be anything but violent criminals for the simple sake of "never work yourself out of a job" attitude. And what appears to be a general 'its only about me' attitude. Or 'why should i get involved?' attitude. Take for example the woman who died in police custody at an airport. No one was willing to come to her, put thier arm around her and try to help. But someone did only to be turned down by the airlines because of some "security" rule that says you cant give up your seat to someone else. WTF?

    You're absolutely right, the grave is dug and we have at best a few years before things really come apart. The real question is why?

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