
Do you every think we will be able to have a open dialog about race problems in the U.S. ?

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I have a problem with the no snitch thing and how could i find the black point of view without being labeled a dumb white devil.

And I'm sure blacks want to get answers to simple ?'s about whites that they can get answered.

Not looking for any dumb bigoted answers would like real a solution.




  1. i think that before anyone enters an "open dialog about race problems in the u.s." that he/she just remain open to friendship with people of all colors.  i think the beginning of the solution is one person at a time resolving to meet and treat others with strict adherence to the golden rule, and no exception on basis of race, creed, national origin, etc.  i think that this is a very hard thing for most of us to do given our many preconceptions and misconceptions of each other, the social facades we so skillfully don to protect ourselves, and the terrible mistrust and fear that seems prevalent anytime one person meets another that is different from oneself in any way.  but i think honestly getting to know each other is the only way we will begin to learn and understand each  other. i think it is only when we can really understand each other's humanity that we can find a common language and common experience  to communicate with each other.  until then i don't know if a dialog will be anything but finger-pointing and insult hurling.  at this point i think most folks of each of the races is so sensitive about perceived wrong from the other, and so insensitive to the offense we give the other, that  even the best exchange is fraught with misunderstanding.                                                                                           however, i do think that all people of earth would set aside their differences if green martians landed and began to live among us.  we would unite in our common dislike and distrust of martians... sure of the inferiority of that species...sure that they want to use and deprive us of what is rightfully ours... and finding any martian characteristic amusing at best, and threatening in the utmost degree to all we of earth hold dear.  and so it goes.

  2. I seriously doubt it.

    I've tried to talking to Blacks and always get called racist no matter what I say and I am NOT a racist. I love people of every race and creed, simply because they are human beings.

    Blacks have been deeply hurt and before any open dialogue can occur it can only be when Blacks are healed and how can they be when they still receive such bad treatment.

    No the answer is NO.

  3. The reality is we are all human. We want our children to look like us and behave the way we want them to behave and believe the way we want them to believe. As long as we look, behave and believe differently from each other and believe our way is best, there is no way it can ever happen. When we stop 'accepting our differences' and start helping each other in times of crises with genuine love and caring then we will begin to open the doors of change. We need action, not dialog.

  4. I think we have an open dialog about race already. I've seen lots of discussion about it in all forms on the Internet. People seem to be unafraid to post just about anything since there is a sense of anonymity on the net. Post such as this are allowing free speech a new life. Some people are bigoted, a charge which can be leveled at any racial group which shows unreasoned hatred toward another group because of race or belief. That I think is part of the human condition and it hearkens back to an age of tribalism which endured for thousands of years. Only recently, perhaps in the last 100-200 years has truly integrated civilization begun to occur. Interracial marriage has only just begun to be accepted. The veneer of civilization is quite thin and easily breached, so we can expect eruptions of racial hatred and thoughtless dogma to occur for the foreseeable future but nothing prevents us from having an open dialog about it.

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