
Do you examine your thoughts carefully and see if they are totally congruent with your actions?

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Do you examine your thoughts carefully and see if they are totally congruent with your actions?




  1. Yes, but not always.

  2. I always compare my thoughts to my feelings.



  3. TOO carefully actually. I think so much about what i'm going to say half of the time, that i don't even say it. but the other half, i just go with the flow. :)

  4. normally, no. the only time we do that is after we have created a crisis and we're trying to figure out what went wrong.

  5. No not at all,

    Whatever i feel i say.

    Tho sometimes i should think before i talk :)

  6. Yes, of course, all the time, my thoughts and actions are always congruent.  Only somebody who doesn't would take the time to answer this question.


  7. I am an analytical person. I tend to think alot on different topics and other things. I do tend to think and analyze my emotion's sometimes but, not like that. Sometimes I think it is important to simply get out what you feel and not analyize so much. This is hard for me to do sometimes.  

  8. I honestly do,on a daily basis...I miss the mark quite often,but seriously attempt to insure that my beliefs and convictions are indistinguishable from both my words and actions...My brief,personalized Yahoo profile information,states my view on this question....

    "If you know me,then you are aware of my beliefs. If one talks enough, he or she will eventually expose the inner person that "claims to be",what they believe and confess.

    You tell me,who I am"

    Excellent question...

  9. Actually, I do most of the time but, during a crisis of some sort, it's a challenge to be able to do this. If something triggers my " buttons " then it can be difficult to think before I act or speak. Human nature kicks in.

    Another great question.

  10.   It's hard to actually practice what we preach, but we try...we do try.

  11. I do my best to maintain balance between thoughts and actions!

    One should always examine both their thoughts and their actions!

    Before, during and after the acts of thinking and doing!

    All must be based on observation and reality checking!

    Changing your thoughts in order fit your plans rather than rethinking your them is nothing more than blind stubbornness!

    And thinking differently than the result of your actions is at best hypocrisy and at worst stupidly (though the latter is much more forgiveable)

    So to recount.

    Balance, observation, reality check, be constant in these and you will not wander too far from your true path ;-))

  12. No, I do not and that is my problem.  Not many of us humans think before we act.  My thoughts usually happen after my actions.

  13. no - but often my heart rules my head!

  14. I tend to do the opposite. I make sure my actions conform to my plans.

  15. more like I examine my actions to congruently align them with my thoughts

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