
Do you exchange casualties as you run?

by  |  earlier

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Personally, I don't. Running is my, and I'd hate to say, my healing time from my hectic schedule, so I'm pretty much in the zone from start to finish.

I pass by other runners/walkers, but I don't even look at them. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see them begin to wave, but stop themselves as I run by.

I don't mean to be rude, but I am going about this the wrong way?




  1. No, you're not.  If you're running for a reason, you're not expected to say hello to everyone. When i run with my team at the park, few people say hello, and the only time we really say hello is if we're on a light day or at the start of a long (although semi-slow) day.

  2. No. But if you're going to do that, play music or at least have headphones in so it looks like you are :]

  3. I've never felt slighted if a stranger running by didn't make eye contact or wave.  Everyone runs for a different reason.  It all depends on the expected training outcome.

    If I'm out for a 5-mile putz around town, I'll usually wave or nod or whatever if someone passes by but if I'm out cranking out intervals, forget it.  I'm there to work.

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