
Do you exist??????????

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Do you exist??????????




  1. I am a figment of my own imagination

  2. If you drop a stone into a still pond, the force exerted by the falling stone upon the surface of the water will create shock waves/visible ripples which will then travel outwards (in every direction) and ultimately become invisible/non existent when the amount of force present in the ripples dissipates or is absolved by a larger and perhaps non-visible force (i.e the forces that hold the water molecules together).

    If the ripples (which becomes temporarily visible as a result of the friction created when the stone collided with the water) represents the temporary nature of human life, and both the stone and the water represent universal elements/forces, then human life is a temporarily visible effect of a cosmological event.  

    Now, if the cosmological event represents the collision of the stone and the water, then there remains many questions to be answered, e.g:

    . what is the nature of the stone?

    . what is the nature of the water?

    . How did the stone and the water come to be?

    . What is responsible for the movement that caused the stone to collide with the water?

    Although there are many more questions that we do not yet have comprehensive answers for, what is peculiar is that you, me, humanity, is aware of itself.  It ponders its origins, and it anticipates and uncertain destination.  

    Over the past centuries we have come to understand a lot, but what remains a challenge are what we still don't know with any degree of certainty.

    So do I exist?  In one sense yes, because I am aware of me, my environment, and the impact I exert on my surroundings.

    In another sense, I really don't exist, rather, I have a tendency to exist.  You and I, like the atom that makes up the entire visible universe, is neither here, nor there; It simply has a probability of being here or there at any given moment.  

    It simply appears, that is, it becomes visible, when the electrons wheezing around the nucleus (center of the atom), forms a probability pattern so stable that it gives the illusion of being solid.  These illusionary solids (everything visible in our universe) are what we loosely refer to as real.  We say it exists because we can see it, feel it, and so on.  Our concept of or our definition of the word "Exist" or "Real" is still lacking.  Your question is a fascinating one for all of us.

    Watch this:

  3. yes

  4. Probably.

    But on the off chance I'm a figment of your mind, please imagine me as fantastically wealthy  & surrounded by young beautiful intellegent adoring women.

    OK have you done that?

    (Quill looks left & right)

    c**p.  Either I exist or your imagination sucks. ;-)

  5. I think so

  6. Apparently so since I answered your question.

  7. yes i exist, but this question doesnt, right now i am in a straight jacket in a rubber room with the lights out, imagining myself answering a non existant question

  8. Nope.

    I am a figment of your imagination.  Nobody can see this message besides you....

    Honest.   Seriously - they really, really can't see this message.....They don't even see a black spot - to them there is no message here - it is just have slipped, and know you are imagining me.....


  9. Nope.

  10. For all practical intents and purposes, yes.  If I'm just a simulation inside a computer program or dream, I wouldn't have any way of knowing or doing anything about it.  

  11. No, I don't. You're imagining things. :)

  12. only in your dreams  

  13. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh baby, do i?

  14. Leave it to humans to assume that the whole universe revolves around them... I exist, and so do you and everyone else.

  15. I exist but some days I exist more and some days far less.  

  16. No I died on 22/jan

  17. Cogito, ergo sum, Je pense donc je suis. “I think, therefore I am”. René Descartes (1596–1650)

  18. What a dumb question

  19. it makes me think,you are a you am i a you?and if so whatever happened to me being an I?

  20. lol...i hope so although if i don't exist, then i don't have to go to work tomorrow, right???

  21. That depends do you believe in me?

  22. my two points moving on and up, having a cool one as i type this out too...thanks for asking...

  23. Yes and no.

  24. You tell me.

  25. Why yes, yes I do.

  26. Yes but you are all a figment of my imagination!

  27. Someone once posed this question to me, got me thinking:

    What if you were born into coma and the whole life you have lived was purely in your mind.  The way you look, the way you feel, they way you speak, also the way other people do all of this.  


    To answer your question, yes I do exist, but the real question is, do you????

  28. yes pretty sure im writing this, i will take it that you do too

  29. You, me and the rest - the same.  Only when we stop, do we stop!!!  
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