
Do you expect a bellman to give out a bellcart at a hotel or resort, or should he insist his assistance only?

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This question posed a huge controversy at the resort I live at.




  1. yes if its a 4-5 star hotel, and even if its not (five star) they should atleast give you a cart, and ask if you need help with it.

    hope i helped you, and your opinion!!

  2. A bellman should help out with luggage, peroid.

    If there is a ton of luggage.. they should use the cart. However if there is just a few items, they should be able to lug it.

    If the guests insist on carrying their luggage then the bellman's duty is to just show the guest to their room.

    His assistance should be expected not insisted.

  3. I think he should offer his assistance, but if the customer would prefer just a cart, then thats what they should get.

  4. I think you should have one bellcart for the bellman and some extra for people who just want to carry their luggage themselves.  Have the bellman ask if people want a bellcart and if they would like his assistance.  Personally, I'm quite physically able to take my luggage out of my car, onto the cart, and up to my room in a very efficient manner.  I would not want to tip someone for doing that for me.

    One thing I have noticed working at a hotel is that carts seem to go missing for the night.  I think a checklist where people have to sign out should be made, and each cart should be discreetly given a number.  If the person does not bring back the cart within an hour, you have the right to keep calling them until they do.  (Then they can sign the cart back in.)  If they lose the cart, charge them for a new one.

  5. At the hotel I work at and at many other 4 and 5 star hotels, bell carts are NOT given out.  I very rarely encounter guests that would even ask to put their luggage on one of my bell carts and take it up themselves..and these are mostly tourists or people who have not stayed at luxury hotels before.  They may give out carts at the Holiday Inn, etc but these hotels are not SERVICE driven like luxury hotels..Ritz Carlton, Four Seasons, Hyatt..etc.  Plus, at the hotel I'm employed, giving out bell carts is an insurance liability.  The carts are not only $5,000 each, but if a guest gets injured while using the cart unattended, the hotel is liable and may be sued.

    Plus, if you work at a resort, people should be enjoying their vacation and not worry about having to tip a few bucks.  You always want to provide top-notch service to EVERY guest..but without being pushy or too aggressive.

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