
Do you expect an instant reply when you're sending text messages?

by Guest33586  |  earlier

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i do.. i get mad sometimes if people ignore my messages...

am i the only one who takes this seriously?




  1. Yes. I do  

  2. yea me too its so annoying cos when i text usually im bored so im more impatient!  

  3. yes normaly

  4. I agree I hate it even more when they text 2 weeks later after you asked them to go into town and then they reply I'll meet you in ten by macdonalds :)

  5. if i didnt expect an instant reply i would've sent a letter instead.

    gosh ppl. just pick up the phone and reply.

  6. i sometimes get angry with the people who ignores me.

    when someone texts me, then i do reply.

    what i really hate is that, (for example) if i am going to text a person, he/she is not going to reply even though it is urgent or something really important.

    he/she don't cares.  But if he/she texts me, i do reply to him/her.

  7. d**n straight i agree with you! i am exactly the same LOL

  8. yep

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