
Do you expect nugget sauce or ketchup to come in the bag when you order nuggets or fries?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you ask for them at the speaker or window?




  1. I always hope they do but when we get to the window i always need to remind them... annoying...

  2. Yes I do! I hate having to ask Arby's to put in Arby sauce then get home and there is none-or ordering shrimp and no cocktail sauce- nuggets are so dry they NEED sauce and should be put in. I know they are trying to cut cost but atleast you could get 1 packet.

    I like to get meat in my hamburgers too. I went to drive thru at MC D.'s  on w. Tropicana  and ordered 6 burgers fries drinks got home they had forgot to put the meat in the burgers. That was a first and last, I never went back there again.

  3. If they dont ask me when I am ordering then I ask for it at the window.  I dont just expect would they know what you want?  There are at least 4 sauses that eat fast food place offers so they are not going to put all three in the bag because if you don use sause it would be a waist.  Sometimes they even charge for extra sause.  Like if you wanted if for your fries and were not ordering nuggets they might charge.

  4. No, they aren't mind I tell them what sauce I want at the speaker. Ketchup I ask for at the window. I do get pissed when it's not in the bag tho.

  5. You can ask, or they'll just put in ketchup

  6. Only if I ask for it.  Otherwise they are just wasting it.

  7. i always expect a lot of them already there

  8. i will expect some just like drink with a straw

  9. Supposedly they dont put them in unless asked to hold food cost down. But then when I ask for ketchup theyll give me like 5 packs.

  10. they are supposed to ask you what kind of sauce do you want.  common sense (if they have any) put ketchup in your bag for the fries

  11. Yes and I get peeved if they dont put them in. I just ask twice cause the drive thru people dont understand I dont want to eat dry nuggets.

  12. If they don't ask me when I am ordering then I ask for it at the window. I dont just expect would they know what you want? There are at least 4 sauces that eat fast food place offers so they are not going to put all three in the bag because if you don use sauce it would be a waist. Sometimes they even charge for extra sauce. Like if you wanted if for your fries and were not ordering nuggets they might charge.

  13. Sometimes they don't you have to ask.

  14. of course i do, it's logical

  15. I expect them to come in the bag- especially the nugget sauce, BUT they never do at McDonald's or Wendy's.  Rarely do either of those two fast food places even put the absolute 'musts" like a straw and napkins in the bag.  Have you ever noticed you have to BEG for ketchup at Wendy's???

  16. There was a day when ketchup came along with your fries- you never had to ask for it- it was included.  With nuggets they started out asking you what kind of sauce,  but know you usually have to request it.  I guess I expect it, because that's how it was forever.

  17. they usually ask me what kind of sauce i want,i tell they what i want,and most of the time when i get home and look in the bag there will be no sauce in the bag they always forget it,so i end up just using some ketchup from home.

  18. I ask for them...I don't go through the drive-thru, since I can't drive, but when I'm at the counter, I ask for them. I don't expect the employee to read my mind and know what sauces and condiments I want  lol

    I work at Mickey D's...

  19. I don't expect it unless I ask. They don't want to get sued because someone had an allergic reatction to their sauce.

  20. wtf is nugget sauce?

  21. I expect the person taking order to ask.  If they do not, then I ask.  At McDonalds when you order nuggets they are instructed to ask which sauce.  If they do not, they can get in trouble.  I do ask at window, are all the condiments, napkins and straws in bag.  I then check and if I need more, I ask.

  22. i dont bother i dont like any type of sauce im a plain jane

  23. Ketchup

  24. I do ask, but they never give me any ketchup.

  25. I don't expect it unless I ask, my McDonalds asks me if I want sauce or ketchup, of course I always ask for honey for my nuggets :) yummmm

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