
Do you expect your roles in society to change over time?

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As technology has changed the way we live, gender roles are in flux.

Is it reasonable to expect gender roles to remain constant, even in the face of rapid technological advancement?

Is this one of the sources of conflict in GWS....some people are expecting roles to remain static while the world all around is dynamic?




  1. Globally, the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are really starting to dominate economically.  I think a lot of what ensues depends on how these nations deal with rights issues as their technology-enabled capabilities and economies expand.

    In the U.S., where I live, I predict more empowerment for women, with the choice of career or motherhood or both.

  2. No, I don't expect gender roles to stay the same. Eventually we might see a complete reversal, as a matter of fact. But a few people will still hang on to remnants of the past and demand that women return home.

  3. I cant speak for all the men, but I think that men's roles in society are undergoing changes as we speak. As for me, since I will never marry, never adopt, I don't see a major change in my role in the society.

  4. There is a big misconception on GWS, fem. will constantly stereotype and box off the opposition as believing this or that.

    Nobody here resents their mother or sister or partner having choices.

    Men are happy to mother their children. The problem doesn't lie in gender roles, that's a feminist obsession. The objectors here are for the most part anti hypocrisy and pro-equality and that's where the difference lies.

    Feminists, racists, homophobes and supremacists of any kind irk me. Feminists in particular because with feminism, I am the the target.

    Know it all is right, the changes are happening, the family is more or less a dead duck, I wouldn't consider taking on the traditional male role in its current state. There is no value placed on it but, as sahms are gradually getting respect again so will men, feminism is a shamfull system that devalues the majority to suit the minority.

    JUST SAW YOUR EDIT, you've identified yourself as a report monkey!  well done.

    EDIT2 Sorry I've jumped to that conclusion about you, I was working off the petty tone and content of your first edit.

  5. Actually, I believe this already happens and, to some extent, always has.

    For example, as we age, our roles change quite significantly ~ from toy playing 'semi neutral' child to potential parent ~ mother or father, to grandparent or carer. That's very simplistic of course.

    The state of flux is constant, and meeting the changes of advancing technology is also part of this constant change that is, actually what life is all about.

    If we can't change with the times, we are doomed to dwell in a pot hole of 'life passing us by'.

    Cheers :-)

  6. even though I wanted gender roles to be like there were in the old days when women stay home and men work,but I don't expect them to change.

  7. Roles, no.  Jobs, yes.  Unless you have a robot willing to give birth for me.

  8. It is a different point of view. Agree, there should be changes in the roles. But, today, even if it is slowly processing, the roles are changing.For example, more women join business life and don't have a child. Isn't it change?

  9. Dating is a modern phenomenon; and if that's so subject to change then surely other things ought to be too.

  10. as the world around us changes, i think there will be a natural progression of societal and gender roles. there will be opposing forces, however, in radicals and fundamentalists who refuse to progress or see things from any other vantage point than their own. they will die out though, and we will move on as a society.

  11. Yes I do believe that they will change. For the better? Only God knows.

    Many men 'supposed' to earn, support and feed some woman they don't know just because she happens to be the daughter of some friend of their parents. And if he refuses, he becomes something of a social outcast.

    While feminism has broken the walls of tradition to free women, it is still somewhat unacceptable for men to do anything other than earn.

    I do expect change though. Maybe it'll be more acceptable for men to stay home while the women work, or do something else. I'm currently focusing on a career in software, mainly games. But I first wanted my life to be a never-ending education, course after course. I was equally interested in arts, science and commerce, and I took science because I was simply better at it.

    But my parents have this idea of an enviable rich kid for a son. And being their only child, I don't want to disappoint them. I work hard, and I shall earn. But if my parents approach me with some daughter of some friend of theirs, I'll say no, and not fear it. It's better for both that girl and for me to find someone we love. Science, I'm interested in, but I will not mess up my life and career risking a bad marriage.

    I hope that the walls will break down for men too, and we may be free to embrace a life of education if we wish. Earning isn't the only thing we can do, and it h**l isn't the only thing we want to do.

    Great question.

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