I personally am appalled by the attitude today towards teenagers in Western society. They are treated with such stereotyping and when they do make good decisions it is overlooked. They are expected to act out and act up. People say 'it is hormones', but when a lady is pms'ing, she is still expected to function at the same level even though she is experiencing a hormonal change.
I expect my kids to experiment and try new things. I expect that they may have some bad days and moods with the changes they are experiencing. But my kids will not be allowed to be disrespectful, rude, or in general the little monsters that society says 'is normal'.
That is not normal. Not even 4 generations ago these hormonal teenagers were adults, running farms, married by 16, having babies, and were full functioning young adults starting a family life.
I am curious how many people expect their kids to 'rebel' and how many expect them to still act with dignity?