
Do you experience vertigo?

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"Resolve of Waking Hearts" - acrostic quadrifid

Deeper I fall into the vortex of haunted eyes,

Illumination now seems a dim vision.

Zephyr winds in my heart whisper, "Fall."

Zealously, I guard you, and finally realize.

You were always prey to Cupid's precision--

Insane, spinning, under your thrall.

Now I find time unable to stall,

Grieving the days I foolishly spent

Longing for the transience of love; fool's golden gleam.

One last time, hear my desperate call,

Vicious passion, the truth, my soul intent.

Eventually, I will make you more than a dream.




  1. This poem is dizzyingly lovely, I wish I had your skill in attempting and mastering so many forms!

    "You were always prey to Cupid's precision" <----- LOVE that line!

  2. Excellent acrostic, beautifully spun words, longing for love to stay.

  3. "Hi!",

    "What a fantastic Acrostic".

    You really are a fabulous poet.


    Cheers : )

  4. I don't know if I experience vertigo or not, I mean I get dizzy quite often but it's more like a slow-motion-hard-to-focus-on-things kind of a dizziness and then I black out and have a seizure (usually petit-mal).

    I loved the rhyme scheme in this ABC, ABC, CDE, CDE that really tide the first two stanzas to the last two. Is that already a style (I mean with a name and all), because if it isn't maybe we could call it Terza Evadne. An acrostic in Terza Evadne--sounds cool uh?

  5. Enchanting and romantic, as a total, yet I favor the first three lines.


  6. In this case, your acrostic made you reach for broader vocabulary, especially with the two Z's. Well done.

  7. Lovely poem, and yes vertigo is the culprit who kept me from become a pilot, and flying airplanes.  They said with the degree of my vertigo, I would fly into the ground and not know it til I hit.  I have to use mirrors in my cars, if I turn my head sharply I will get disoriented for a few seconds.

  8. i didnt get dizzy

    but i spun on the lesson!

    the last line ..determination

    any dream's perfect focus.

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