
Do you fancy someone that you shouldn't?

by  |  earlier

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It is Ian Beale from Eastenders for me, and I know I shouldn't but I can't help it




  1. Oh, yes, and it's torture.

    She is one of several supervisors where I work.  My company has a strict policy regarding dating among the staff. it's a risk I am willing to take, but she shouldn't be asked to risk her career.  She is a fun, beautiful woman.  She's also happily single.  

    Working with her most days and not being able to get closer to her is endless torture.  That's the price I pay for wanting something I cannot have.  

    It has given me fodder for philosophical thought about the relationships among personal tastes, preferences, desire, choice, and personal values.

  2. sixth cousin.  We're not genetically related so I don't know.  

  3. Yes my boss but he is soooo good looking makes you want to go to work and see him

  4. no

  5. Nope

  6. ian beale ahahahahahahahaahah that made my day, i nearly choked

  7. We all have different desires, but that dosen't mean that we give up our body or our mind to get an instant gratification, it isn't worth the trouble.  We always feel better about ourselves if we stick to doing the right thing in life, things that will make us feel better about ourself, and not the opposite...Jan

  8. Haha I like many handsome male models.

  9. marge simpson

  10. h**l yeah

  11. yeah hottchicks wooo

  12. Of course you can fancy Ian Beale!! when i read that question i thought you were going to mention one of your brother's best friends...everyone has their own tastes and if you're really into Eastenders then the more you watch Ian Beale the more you'll like him!

    I really fancy Tom from Desperate Housewives...

  13. h**l yes!

    Well, technically.

    Kind of. I suppose.

    Personally I see nothing wrong with sleeping with the wives and lovers of other men as well as unattached women, but I hear that this is not often deemed to be the done thing, and (ridiculous as it may sound) that I shouldn't do that.

    It's all that good-fer-nuthin' moralising - all it ever does it make things more complicated than they have to be :oP

    I can't say that actresses flip my fritter too much, though.

    I only ever chase possibilities.

  14. yes don't worry its normal in life

  15. Yes, and if everyone was honest! they would say yes as well!

  16. Absolutely. I think my pastor is cuuuuuute. It's not the only reason I go to church but i'll be honest helps....

  17. Yeah, he's a cop and he's too old for me.

  18. fit girls witwhoo

  19. Urgh...i feel dirty and used now......  

  20. Yeah, I fell for my dr, after I had a really serious illness.  Nothing like having your life saved to make your heart go to the hero!

  21. Ian Beale :L

    Well I don't know my teacher I suppose or like...

    Alan Carr!

  22. Well I've always thought Alan Rickman was kind of s**y :| Weird eh?

  23. I certainly do and it drives me nuts

  24. well in terms if the person i fancy is married or dating someone already then no, but in terms that i am, then yes. Doesn't mean i'll act on it though :P

  25. Yus..

    I fancy my grandad.

  26. fancy, as in, do i think he's hot? yeah. this guy that just started where i work. he's ten years my junior.

  27. yea but she was too old for me and I was jail bait  

  28. Yes. I do. I have a major crush on my BFFs brother. I think he likes me too!  

  29. Gloria Hunniford. There is no hope for me, that I know.

  30. Ive never even heard of Ian Beale(Sounds like a d-Bag though), and NO i dont fancy someone i souldnt

  31. Yes this married woman at my work

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