
Do you favor cutting back on regulations pertaining to hazardous chemicals?

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Do you favor cutting back on regulations pertaining to hazardous chemicals in order to help balance the federal budget? What laws or regulations, if any, would you cut back on? Defend your answer.




  1. If u use the chemicals correctly there is no hazardous chemicals.


    HCL bad acid

    Caustic soda bad base.

    mix together to a ph 7 and what u have

    Table salt and water. All chemicals can be neutralized .

  2. The federal goverment does not have to pay money to regulate hazardous chemicals.

    Industry has to comply with the regulations.  Industry funds the EPA and other institutions through taxes, fines and grants.

    If industry dumps Toxic Glowing dirt into a landfill, the full weight and power of the government will fall on industry's  neck and force them to clean it up and charge them $$$ more than it should normally cost.

    Where is this applicable?  Military installations.  Should government exempt military installations from compliance?  no.   If it is good enough for industry, then it is good enough for government.

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