
Do you favor switching the clocks for daylight saving time...?

by Guest32307  |  earlier

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Even though studies show that it doesn't save energy and, in fact, may use more.




  1. No. I absolutely think that we should not mess with the clocks at all. And I think that Americans need to start having 3 hour siestas daily, we would be a much healthier people if we stop s******g with our internal clocks as well. Im tired, i think Ill take a nap in my office. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  2. I cannot stand daylight saving!

    Our clocks go back this weekend....back to normal.

    It's just a big con.

  3. Harold Wilson's Labour government in the 60's had a five year trial of not altering the clocks, but due to public pressure they had to go back to altering it during winter. It was the public that wanted daylight saving hours, not government. The argument was children going to school in the dark. In some parts of Scotland the sun didn't rise until after 9.30am. Even in London it was after 9am.

  4. I have always hated it.

  5. i absolutely hate it!!! it reminds me that we live in a world that care the most about money!!! that is the bottom line in changing the clocks so we can conduct business easier in the light...or so i am told

  6. I hate it to. I loose my voice every year  for about 3 or 4 days when its time to change. I wish it will just stay one way, is that to much to ask?

  7. yes and it should be two hours, not one, that way you get beautiful LONG summer evenings when you can sit and relax on the porch or in the garden with a glass of wine or a beer,   and still be light when most go to work / school here in atlantic canada.  also if the clocks went forwards in summer the two hours,  people would get more sunshine and be less ill because we all need sunshine to stay healthy, wouldn't it be nice to get off work at say 5 and you still have 4 or 6 hrs you could spend on the beach, instead of the 3 hrs max the way it is now

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