
Do you favor the reform candidates like Palin and congressional cleanup or the libs with obama?

by Guest66703  |  earlier

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Do you favor the reform candidates like Palin and congressional cleanup or the libs with obama?




  1. reform my *ss

    needs to first reform their homes and business place.

  2. Do you mean clean up like this?

    She's a beauty, all right.

  3. Obama.  

  4. Sorry I didnt know Earmarks and Breaking Away from America as part of the Alaskan Independance Party counted as Reform...

  5. McCain has "reformed" many of his maverick positions to win the nomination, like offshore drilling, illegal immigration, and tax cuts.  Is that the reform you mean?  

    McCain staffed his campaign with registered, active lobbyists during the primary.  Is that the reform you mean?

    Sarah Palin was for the bridge to nowhere, before the appropriation was cut by Congress.  Then she was against it, and even announced at her coming-out party last week that she refused the money to build the bridge. Is that the reform you mean?  

    Sarah Palin as mayor of Wasilla hired lobbyists to go after Congressional earmark dollars.  Is that the reform you mean?  

    Sarah Palin is under investigation for firing the Alaska public safety commissioner for refusing to fire her former state trooper brother-in-law.  She was initially outraged by that accusation, until her own attorney general turned up a recorded phone call from one of her staffers pressuring the commissioner to fire the trooper.  Then, she said she didn't know about the call.  Now, the commissoner has turned over emails from Palin where she pressures the commissioner to fire the trooper. Is that the reform you mean?

    Sarah Palin's replacement for the fired commissioner was forced to resign two weeks later over a sexual harassment reprimand in his file that "escaped" detection when Palin appointed him.  Is that the reform you mean?

    Or maybe you meant something else.  Like incompetence.  Unfortunately, thanks to the Bush administration, not even incompetence represents reform this time.

  6. The Democratic Congress has been majority for only two years, the mess has been done by the Republicans. They will change what? I think the change motto was stolen from Obama's campaign. Aren't Republicans even a bit original? No I don't favor something that silly.

  7. Hey whatsup my name is Sarah Pailin. Im a hokey mom. Uhm, brb im gonna go run for VP.

  8. I prefer Obama and the liberals because politics are like driving.  Shift to D to progress forward and shift to R to go in reverse.

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