
Do you favour a monarchy for emphasising history and traditional values?

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Within reason, of course, but I would like another family to be considered now and then. There is more than one line available for crowning. The USA would have been better with such a tangible and breathing symbol of history and traditonal values, in my unworthy opinion.




  1. sorry.. i can't take ya seriously with ya name and

    send my regards to mrs slocomb

  2. monarchy is a government that puts on a pedestal some people who make pooh in the bathroom like yourself, and that stinks.

  3. Are you being served? Nasty!

    Well, it is my humble opinion, one would not be amused?

    Really focus on what you want?

    By value analysis do you mean republicans from England and the Commonwealth of nations coordinated attempts to deny the royalty their birth right by interfering with the family business for decades has succeeded, far from it, determining who does what for what reasons has to have clarity when considering what the reason and purpose for royalty is?

    Some criminal syndicates would distract the real issues. Remain focussed Royalty have a singular purpose in society. If you ask the Danish, they go back to the God Odin, and when you consider some 95% of their population love their monarchy with a fond affection, truly there is no better government than a democratic monarcy.

    When the devine right of kings was taken away, basically the status of playing god was removed, to reveal godly qualities, to know one has hope as a last bastion of refuge, truly no greater monarch has served Australians than her most Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her Steadfast tenacity has endeared a gracious loving mom, in all times of difficulty and adversity many grateful citizens in about 1/3 the earth have had the team behind making her look so great kick in to function, how humble are we to be part of the greater picture in supporting such love with affection for where love is recyprocated there is no greater emphasis in society than true justice.

    Godliness, aside, her Majesty has given so many ordinary folk such hope in all times of difficulty and danger our love as a nation can never be repaid to a life sacrificed in grace of service, what about the USA? Remember the Statute of Independance, read it, know the reasons why monachy too can fail and now, what are they missing out on?

    Depends upon your view, obviously a staunch monachist, I will love Her Majesty not just because of whom she is what she has done, but because she reigns supreme in the hearts of many living respected, her majesty has truly paid the price of discapline to not worry about regret, passionately Charles, William Harry et al will rise to the ocassion, as her Majesty always said, over her dead body, this is the nature and mystique of monarchy in the modern world.

    We love Monarchy with a fervant passion not for what we get, but because of not who they are, but their incredible selflessness in duty as a life long sacrifice in loving what they do and loving those who would even hate them the way Christ did to the very end.

  4. No. A monarchy doesn't need history and traditional values. It only needs the continuance of now and then.

  5. Yes in Great Britain and many European countries I do.

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