
Do you fear cars with window tint?

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when you see someone come beside you at a light or as u walk by with that midnight dark window tint that u cant see in do you get nervous? Do you automatically think drug dealer or gangster or someone doing something they shoudnt be doing?




  1. not really. as long as i know its a safe area, I'm OK. but you never know. you should be cautious with any stranger, from anywhere, no matter what he/she looks like or what he/she possesses

  2. Yes.

    But the people in the car should worry too. The material used to tint the windows tends to off-gas a little when exposed to sunlight and it causes cancer.

  3. yes, you never know who or what is inside.

  4. I fear people not the cars with "tint".


  5. These days the ones that scare the heck out of me are the drivers with the cell phones talking  going thru red lights not turning blinkers and doing everything wrong ' while driving. ' and almost hitting your car 10 times and these are all different cars.PS this is for real.

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