
Do you fear growing old ?

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Like its 20% chance u will die of a heart attach and 20% chance u will die of a paralyzing stroke and about 20% cancer and 20% liver disease and so on > no sarcastic answers please I beg you. Genuine Q




  1. no. aging and death is a natural part of life.  

  2. I embrace getting old with open arms.  I was thrilled when I became a grandmother.  The only thing I don't look forward to is hanging around with my friends, talking endlessly about our medical ailments.

  3. In Heaven we will never grow old.

  4. I don't fear old age but that doesn't mean I'm exactly looking forward to it.  That's one reason why I try to keep fit, healthy and active.

  5. People die at every age there is no one age group that has no death attached to it.

    Young and old can die of cancer, liver disease, have you not read about teenage basketball players with heart problems that collapsed and died on the court?

    Old age just gives you a chance to gain wisdom and see your great grand kids grow up it.

  6. The alternative to growing old is depressing.

  7.    Well   I,m  60  and  I  can tell  you it is very  different  from 30,

      I  now  have  diabetes,,heart  trouble,high blood pressure,

      all  thur  heredity,  my  Dad  had  these  also,

      and  now  I  sit  and in my mind  I paint a room,move  the

      furniture,  and  my  mind is ready  but my body can't  do it,

    I  hurt  from arithtis and  my back,

      so  enjoy  those  young years ,and  bring  God  with  you to the old


  8. Yes, i am afraid of getting old. I've seen so many people get old unhealthily and now i'm afraid.

  9. If I stopped the aging process in myself I would be dead!

  10. Not really.  I look forward to it in some ways, though being almost thirty (I'm 27) and not having any children yet is kind of scary.  Heart problems and cancer run in my family on my dad's side, but I seem to have inherited excellent health from somewhere.  I catch one cold each year, and get the flu about once every five or six years.  I think I'm either going to die of lung cancer (I smoke, but I've had my lungs checked, and my doctors can't believe I've been a smoker for fourteen years), or old age.  Strokes don't run in my family, though cancer does (my grandma died of cancer).

    But I'm in excellent health, or so my doctors have told me.

  11. Not really. I think that growing old is a symbol of being wise. And it's just a part of life.  

  12. How you live your life today will have a dramatic effect on those chances. If you're active in your 30s and 40s you dramatically increase your odds of being able to be active in your 60s and 70s and 80s.

  13. No I don't.  Obviously I don't want to suffer I wouldn't be human if I did. But I have found that life gets better and better as I learn more about God and my Saviour Jesus, God's Only Son, and I enjoy more of His presence and blessings. Death will be an entrance into His Glorious Presence in heaven.  How can I be afraid of that?

  14. I don't fear growing old. I would just prefer to die before I'm incapable of caring for myself- which can come at any age.

    I have no fear of disease. I almost died in March from a ruptured diverticulum which caused severe peritonitis. Having suffered for most of my adult life from severe lumbar scoliosis, pain has been no stranger to me. (I had corrective surgery in '05). However, I can say that peritonitis is pure agony.  

  15. No, I think it's gonna be gangsta. I can't wait to collect retirement cheese and be able to get away with telling the same old stories over and over.

  16. No sarcastic answers?????? *GASP*

  17. I'm old, it's cool. No fear at all. Now pain, I'm terrified of that! Granted just my own, I'm okay with other people being in pain.

  18. I fear it because the older you are, the prone you will die from old age or diseases.

  19. No.  It is simply a part of our life.  We have to face it like other parts in our life.  Cherish and happy with your family and friends.

    For getting happiness in life, we have to live very careful in our young or middle ages.  Our life should be a role model for others.  We should be a good parent, grand parents, friend, etc.

    Take it easy.  It is not in our hands.  It is not a diesease.  God gives you a such an old age means, you have to praise God.  Keep smiling and do good as you like.

  20. I am quite old and I have no fear of aging further.

    Things that help are a positive attitude, good food and not too much of it, regular excersise and good friends and family.

    It is always hard work, but you get nothing without effort in this, our one and only shot at life.

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