
Do you fear that we will go to war with Iran?

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my history teacher Professor Benjamin Harrison university of louisville gave a good lecture in my workshop. he outlined in great detail that Iran has provoked the west far more than N korea and history has proven that this situation will result in an all out war. Iran is guilty of killing US troops and our government knows it. that alone is a act of war. they refuse to stop their nuclear programs and their rhetoric towards America and Israel can only lead us to believe that war is the only outcome. so is there a way out of this? if not will we support our country in a new war that IS necessary?




  1. joe you mean iraq dont you we have not been at war with iran yet >>>>>iraq is what you meant you need to tell your

    Professor Benjamin Harrison it is not iran<<<it is iraq<<in no we are not going to war with iraq we are there to keep all those good for nothing killers from ever getting to the usa to kill any more americans

  2. well idont believe much of what the govt. says anymore, they said sadam had supplied the terrioist of 911 funds and equipment but turns out half those terriost that were suppose to have been on the planes are alieve to this day,and sadam had never given them money it was a lie next to the lie of him having nukes, so unless iran declares war on the us or makes the first undoubtable act of war on us then no we should not go to war but unfortunetly it probly dosent matter the illuminate has probly all ready planned war with iran and they dont care what the American people think. the NWO is responsiable for sensless wars any one that thinks we need to go to war with iran now need to go sign up for army active duty let you war mongers sacrafice your selfs instead of sending people younger than you to fight the war for you. i respect any one in the military i use to want to join but  i am not sure i believe in the cause any more. we are fighting for our govt. and the bilderburg group now no longer our fellow American.

  3. What the the Government and the Media wants us to hear is all that you said and more. We will go to war with Iran because they threaten the United State and the Federal Reserve Bank which has a " Magic check book ". In order to keep the U.S. the most powerful nation, it has to have unlimited spending. The only thing that backs the Dollar is a promise to pay and there's too many bills in circulation which is the reason why oil and every thing else is so expensive. Oil is traded in American dollars and a few nations have switched over to the Euro which was Iraq before the war and this move was the Federal Reserves Bank worst nightmare. In this move, Billions of U.S. dollars flooded back to the the F.R.B. and provoked the U.S. to make Saddam an example to all the rest that wanted to move to the Euro. In a way , they said " Look at Saddam and his nation this can happen to you!"  Iran, Venezuela and North Korea are three others that made the move as well. It's no mistake that these nations are the ones that we are threatening with sanctions and war. As for Iran providing weapons to kill our troops, well they will have to come up with better proof than a few exploded rockets that could have come from anywhere. Where's the proof that Saddam had W.M.D's? we found nothing!. The first place that we secured in the beginning of the war was the oil fields then the oil ministry and we converted their oil back to the Dollar. As long as the greed for power exists, the greed for war will be the outcome. One has to think for themselves and question what we are being told as fact or fiction.

  4. Israel is ready and waiting.   They will do the job and do it well.

  5. anyone who believes war with ian will solve anything is a bit stupid. if you think the solution is to just drop nukes on them you are a disgusting excuse for a human being. iran are not the only ones to blame in this situation. israel and america are just as bad with the aggression but because the media tells you its ok as israels just trying to defend itself you think they have a right to do that. if you agree with that then you should obviously agree with the plight of those in palestine who are just trying to defend themselves and live where they rightfully should. but i guess double standards will win there ay.

  6. Iran's bellicose rhetoric toward America serves one purpose, raising oil prices, every time they launch a few test-missiles or rattle their sabers oil prices shoot up on fears of a major war that might disrupt the flow of crude out of the Persian Gulf. These makes Iran billions of dollars since the Iranian government essentially gets all its money from oil exports. There isn't going to be any war, Iran couldn't afford it, America couldn't afford it, Israel couldn't afford it. Its all posturing.

  7. As long as we (US) let Israel be the puppetmaster and let them control the White House and let Israel make decisions on American national security, then yes, there will be a war with Iran.

  8. This is contrary to the perspective presented by Noam Chomsky. I suggest that you read "Failed States."

    I'm sure that Iran wants to flex its muscles to head off an attack.  Remember:

    - It's Israel that has 20 nuclear missles.

    - The US is capable of flattening Iran.

    - The US has the reputation of being an aggressor.

    I do not agree with Professor Harrison. I'll take the opinion of MIT Professor Noam Chomsky over many other so-called experts in the field of US foreign policy.

  9. There may be a way to delay war with Iran; but I don't think there is any way to avoid it.

    Perhaps it would be best if it starts soon.  Their leader Ahmadinejad has shown consistent hostility to Israel (as in, the regime should vanish from the page of time; and Israel will soon be destroyed by the Palestinians).  He denies that the Holocaust ever happened.  He just had tested some missiles that could do in 6 minutes what it took Hitler 6 years to do.

    If he is stopped now, we might save millions of lives.

  10. America need no real physical war with iran. All she need to do just give Israelite a green light, and we will see who will be wiped out of the map!

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