
Do you fear the Reaper?

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  1. Besides Blue Oyster Cult (Don't Fear The Reaper), do you seriously know that the Reaper actually does have a real, legitiment name?  

    His name is:  Azrael

    He too, is an Angel, but a very lonely Angel indeed.  No one calls upon him to come to them, the same way that they do for the other Angels.  

    I do not fear Azrael because when he finally does come for me, I'll know that I am going with an Angel to Heaven.

    If you search the Net, you will find all sorts of web-sites devoted to Azrael.

    Have a lovely rest of the evening.  Bright Blessings and Don't Fear The Reaper.

  2. Yes and No

  3. no i like blue oyster cult

  4. Listen to Blue Oyster Cult...

    Do Not Fear The Reaper

  5. I fear Mothra

  6. no, I don't fear the Reaper. It comes when it comes to me.

  7. no

  8. No, but I DO fear Godzilla:

  9. No, but Godzilla is much more terrifying.  

  10. No, I fear that he will come before I'm ready or that he will wait long past the time I'm ready

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