
Do you feel America deserves the mess it is in?

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Failing economy, growing massive poverty, very high fuel to minimum wage, over 50% frozen wages, no health care for at least 35% with most of the rest having to pay higher fees for poorer quality, one of the highest rates of rape, murder, child molestation and child murder on earth, the lowest educational level in the west, the lowest longevity in the west,. OK you want to feel better, America does OK if one starts to include South America, and Central AMerica in the statistics.

Now what did America deserve to get all this?




  1. well enough people voted to put the idiot in office

  2. "Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve"

    - George Bernard Shaw

    Some of your broadly painted opinions can be argued prima facia, such as ........the "failing economy"..until the last few years, %5 unemployment was considered "full employment." The DOW is still at near-record levels (only having slumped after 9/11 and again after the DEM Congress took over.)  gas prices are high EVERYWHERE around the world... it has nothing to do with the US specifically.  Eurpoe has gas at twice the price per gallon it is here.  Highest levels of rape, murder, molestation???  I have yet to see any figures on that.

    I do know that one of the highest murder rates in the country is in Washington DC (a haven for liberals and gun controls - go figure!)  As far as education levels... this has been declining for at least 40 years (when the educational system was hijacked by ... again... liberal ideals of diversity, Montessori style teaching, and liberalization of s*x ed etc.. to the detriment of Reading Writing, and Arithmetic).. these problems did NOT come about in the last 7 years, and those who claim they did are nothing more than ignorant of their history.

    RICHARD _SM - The reason most smaller countries have voted for Kyoto is because the US would have to bear most of the brunt and financing of the treaty.  Even though the US pollutes more than any country (understandable since we are the most industrious and advanced) - the penalties are not even CLOSE to being proportionally fair.  Not unlike the UN, everyone gets their share, but the United States contributes manpower and treasure in FAR GREATER proportions than any other!  It also eliminates soverienty and the US (Including Congress) will not sign over our soverienty.

    "Every country has the government it deserves."

    Joseph De Maistre

  3. our country keeps better track of statistics because we have a better quality of news is good news.....doesnt mean nothing bad is happening in the mud hut where you probably live

  4. No.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics " Knowing me knowing you"

    Just the young one with self lack of knowledge.

    In making a mess.

    With " Children are to be seen and not to be heard"

    In exposing their own ruling, leading and guiding elders were rude with self lack of knowledge too..

    When the "dirty old man" was a bandit as the highway man with the mask in idol worshiping the dead Mummy in messing up the "King and I"

    Leviticus 4. 13, 22

    In kicking the butts of their own children with self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. America sucks alright just mentioning ignores me. I live in Canada which is little america and already feeling the sting.

  6. The people don't deserve it at all.  The politicians, now that's a different story.

  7. Not necessairly, because, some employers decide to let people go for no reason at all. It isn't just America, just the businesses.

    It is a cycle. People realize that they are in debt, so they stop spending. when people stop spending, businesses lose money to keep bills paid and make profits. when the businesses falls, management lays off people. the people who get laid off start to fall behind on mortgage and rent, then foreclosure's and eviction , then get even behind on more bills cause of no job, in turn they spend less and less money to stores and other businesses.

    Its also the opposite when you reverse it.

  8. I think America's biggest problem is not listening to the true speakers in it's country. You've got some very observant commenators who can tell you what's really going on, but somehow the vast majority want to close their eyes and ears and follow the populist's call.

    So many just want to take the simplistic view. The rest of the world, virtually without exception, has signed up to the Kyoto Agreement for example.

    America is losing influence around the world. They are seen as being back-dated and thick-headed over something that is so obvious.

  9. I feel that America deserves the mess we're in as much as we deserve Obama as a president. (sarcasm)

  10. America voted for Bush. What do you expect?

  11. America is the biggest threat to the globlist controllers who don't want nation states getting in their way.

  12. Yes.  The American people have voted for people who have resulted in these things.

    In Europe, crime is less and the murder rates are much lower, in part due to the reduced availability of guns.  Health care is better as well.  Why, because we the electorate have voted for people who have implemented these things.

    But, in the USA you have more freedom.  You know, the freedom to have a gun, the freedom to not have healthcare.  It is up to America to decide if those freedoms are worth the consequences.

  13. no, cause the average joe doaks knows nothing about the back room deals in the u.s. congress and all the wheeling and dealing. joe doaks just works all week, drinks some brewskies watching the ball game then gets some sleep before going back to the coal mine or foundary. doaks kids attend public schools and fight to stay alive and listen to far left liberal teachers spouting their propaganda etc. no, not joe doaks fault.

  14. Well the US attitude towards difficult conundroms has pretty much been, "Let somebody else worry about it." rather than fixing it, now all those problems "somebody else" should have been worrying about have come back to haunt them. US citizens don't deserve it for trusting their government, but does the backwards US government deserve it for negligence? Yes. Now their people are suffering because "Somone else" was supposed to worry about it and US citizens trusted their "wise and all knowing" government.

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