
Do you feel Americans are destroying our country from within? and how can Americans get this country back on?

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when the President does not know if we are in a recession and tells the reporters to ask a econmist don't we as americans need to do something about it?




  1. What was wrong with that response, economists have a better idea on those issues, they do not always agree with each other however, but the suggestion was correct.

    As it is we are not in a recession, but caring more about avoiding inflation.

    FYI, Clinton's response to various questions depended on whether or not he had read a paper, wow, was that intelligent?

    It is a select group of people that are destroying the country.

    Perhaps we should look to the strongest union in the nation, the teachers union, as on source, very very liberal.

    Who is their audience, young minds that have no alternative source of information to  assess the right or wrong of what they are being told?

    After that,  ACLU and the  political correctness crew, who ever they are?

  2. first of all...the president does not have full control over the economy, he picks the Fed Chairman but other than that.  

    Second of all, Ron Paul for president represents my libertarian, constitutionalists views.

    third of all - everyone is s******g our country.  corporations seeking money over morality and what is right (Mattel and china). citizens not voting and taking an active role in political issues.  politicans after their own agendas not the public's (political pork).

    finally - the blame game (ie...i need welfare because I'm an alcoholic or a chain smoker (stupid lawsuits) and last... our parents and grandparents generation could have stopped the rising tide of greed, social arrogance and environment destruction but they did nothing.

    Abe Lincoln was the first president to throw the constitution out the window by throwing out habeas corpus and going to war over the states right to seceded.  Then FDR did it by his court packing episode.   The supreme court voted his new deal down as unconstitutional until that episode and ever since then every president has also disregarded the document.  

    Ways we could help - vote new less sleazy politicans into office, vote for Ron Paul, rise against organizations such as the UN, ACLU, CIA, NSA, NRO, unions, censorship issues, democrats, republicans and numerous other organizations claiming to be helping Americans.

  3. I do think we need to do something about it but don't blame our problems on a dumb president

  4. No the government is destroying the country, not Americans.

    Illegal immigration, lax enforcement of laws, welfare, allowing business to outsource US jobs overseas, are just a few of the ways they are doing it.

  5. especially from those people who call themselves entertainers on the left coast, james brolin, barb s, charlie sheen, and of course that "I want up chavez my b u t t ", penn

  6. The people destroying the country from within are the liberal moonbats, not the President.

  7. The President can only do so much to hurt the nation, Congress can do much more damage, sortof like they are right now as they will not agree on anything, so nothing gets fixed or changed...

  8. Go to the polls.  And this time I mean it.  Understand the power of the vote.  We can do anything with the vote, as regardless of whatever politician is there, they cannot deny the vote.  They can deny everything else, but not the vote.  

    VOTE!!!  And understand that it counts, and understand what an incredible privilege it is.  And understand that this is what gets things done.  Our politicians are only there for as long as we let them.

  9. Cons trying to blame everyone else, the truth of the matter is Repubs have had control of the white house or congress or both for 26 of the last 30 tears and they have tried hard to destroy this nation. Wake up people!

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