
Do you feel a litle sorry for sarahs daughters boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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will he have an enourmous amount of pressure on him for a kid his age? he must be thinking: MAN, WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO?




  1. I do. He's a good looking guy who is a star athlete. He would have had A LOT of fun in college. He's missing out on a lot, and is pretty much forced to marry this girl because of politics.

    But that's what you get with "abstinence only" education. He didn't learn the value of a condom.  

  2. Democrats are going to do anything to get people not to vote for Republicans so of course they are going to rip in to an innocent family. Go figure.

  3. I don't feel sorry for him at all!  He played and very active role in this whole situation that they got themselves into.

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