
Do you feel a resistance everytime you try or think of doing good things?

by  |  earlier

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it happens to me i feel this resistance every time i try to do something good for others , does it happens to u too? what could it be and how to overcome it ?




  1. when i try to do something chest begins to burn and my face becomes hot..when i do good things i feel light i shouldn't be doing is really weird

  2. Maybe you grew up in a household where it wasn't common to have to share things.

    And maybe it's a strong self-preservation need.

    So then when you have an opportunity to help someone you feel like you are going to do without, or this person may then become needy and want more from you.

    If you really want to help out and get the warm fuzzies as a reward, volunteer your time at a local animal shelter,or retirement home. Those folks enjoy all the company they can get.

    That way, you don't really have to donate your money as it is your time.

  3. No, I am always excited to get started!  Maybe your hesitant out of fear or the unknown??  I dunno- I would suggest as to not thonk, just do...then afterwards see if you feel that way !  Good luck............LB

  4. ummm, no I don't. It fills me with peace when I do. So my advice to you would be to find out what the resistence is. YOu can't conquer it unless you know why first. What are you afraid of??

  5. At times I do, but I attribute that to my own laziness or procrastination. The only way I know to overcome it is to change your mindset about how you want to live your life, and forgive me for using a cheesy advertising slogan, but "just do it".  Once you do it, it's easier to do it again. It's a little bit like getting into an exercise schedule. It's awful hard to start, but once you do, you get in the groove pretty quick.

  6. I'm expecting to get a lot of thumbs down for this answer.

    I can see if this happens sometimes with you (but not EVERY time). If it happens SOMETIMES...this could be your intuition. Some people get killed or kidnapped etc. for trying to do good deeds for others. Especially in these have to be REALLY careful. Also...sometimes if someone is "mean" ...and someone does something good for helps to change them..but sometimes it just reinforces their beliefs that the bad things they do get rewarded. There are others who are just users. One time (probably several times) I tried to help a neighbor time by taking her to get "tools to fix her car"..Realized on the way home I had taken her to drug dealers. So.."listen" to what your intuition is telling you. Try to use discernment. Not to say you shouldn't do good deeds. You SHOULD. Just be careful who you do them for and that they really will help the person who is in need..(unless they're deceiving you and using you to get drugs etc.) ('s REALLY dangerous to pick up hitchhikers these days!!)

  7. It means that you are selfish and find it hard to help those that are less fortunate.  For myself, I have no troubles or even second thoughts on helping those that truly need it.  The Lord has blessed me with what I have and I feel like he is wanting me to help others has he has done  for me and  my family.  It makes my heart happy honestly.

    The other day I was at the grocery store and this homeless old man was digging through the garbage cans for food.  I had my children with me and my 5yr old asked me why is he doing that.  So I explained it to her and she felt sorry for him.  I rarely carry cash, but that day I did  and I gave him $5.00 and he was so thankful and I felt great also as well as my children.  

    Try and start off by maybe giving to the church and ask the Lord for guidence.  It is clear to me that you want to help, you just need guidence with it.

    Good Luck and God Bless you!

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