
Do you feel a synchronicity in life's events at times?

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At times...I feel that there are no coincidences and random events

there are several examples..when you have been thinking or worrying for something a consolence or inspiration comes to you in an indirect way etc

Has this ever happened with you..can you share the experiences with me?




  1. I love being in the flow of synchronicity.....

    And yes i do have quite a story about alot of synchronicity events that took place in my life...Bit personal to write here, but it was the first time in my life i actually felt connected, and it all started with the number when it all became to much, so many coincidences were taking place, more than your average lot...i became so confused, and couldnt understand what was happening.... Then a stranger comes along and introduces me to a book called "The Celestine Prophecy", and there was another strange coincidence, a total stranger, with no reason to give me the book to read... which is all about mysterious coincidences that lead us forward...well that sure enough put me on the right path, and i was able to engage into the flow of things even more.....

    When we lose connection or are meant to stand still for a while, so we can learn where we are at.. the synchronicities will stop for awhile...until we are ready again to move forward...and off we go again with our journey.....

  2. My hypothesis is that because we come from an all knowing God we as his creation have some cognition of our life's destiny  

    via intuition, deja vu and dreams etc because we are derived from pure Logic, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Love. It can't be helped that those in touch with their spiritual side see beyond the "box" aka "the world"  and begin to see things beyond the carnal aka natural scope of things. God Bless keep the faith in Christ you are growing spiritually.

  3. Based on the evidence I've seen and my experience with it, synchronicity is just the New Age term for creating order in that which is random.  It gives comfort and security for those who aren't comfortable with the concept of randomness.

  4. The human brain is adept at finding patterns even where none exist.

    Most times, this leads to increased probability of survival if there is a pattern and it was detected properly, so much so that the times there is a false positive are negligible to your survival rate so you didn't evolve higher pattern recognition capabilities. It is sort of circular that way because no matter how much better your brain and senses get at detecting patterns from the apparent randomness and chaos, you can't possibly be correct 100% so there will always be a number of false positive detections; the threshold is relative to the overall capability and that determines how often you think you saw a pattern when there was none to be observed.

    In any course of random sampled events, it is most often the case that the sample set is not perfect according to the odds. As you take more samples they tend to converge to the correct statistics. Take for example flipping a coin, I'll bet you good money that you don't actually flip X heads and X tails after 2 X flips, for a single experiment, you may see more heads than tails and your brain will trick you to believe the coin is heavy on one side to rationalize, but really, just keep flipping, eventually the relative difference between number of heads and number of tails will diminish to ever closer to zero, but never quite a perfect zero, which is a paradox of chaos.

  5. it happens to me almost all the time. it happens when you tune in to whats gonna happen and be around there or do things there or have somethign to do with it. it also happens when things are meant to happen. for instance, if you think of someone today who lives at the other side of the country and suddenly meet her at the mall tomorrow .. it could be that you both were meant to meet for a particular reason.. sometimes even at a higher level.

  6. well sometimes,but not all the time.

  7. used to happen all the time to me. When it started happening..I think that opened me up to an awareness and I began paying more attention to it Before I would a joking way " What a koinkadink".....But, when it happened a lot..I started realizing that it happens almost all the time. I don't notice it happening anymore ...I think I "closed the door" to my awareness of it. ...or to it happening.

    Don't lose sleep over getting to Level will happen before you realize it. It's Level 7 that's IMPOSSIBLE to get to That's the very top of the highest mountain. After you get're stuck! There aren't any more mountains to climb. Just enjoy the climb and the view on the way up! (and all the people you'll meet!)

  8. I have coincidence in my life all the time.

    Like the time I wore my mountain lion talisman and that day I had a mountain lion cross my path.

    Then there are the hawks I saw, in pairs, one pair on the way to town, one pair on the way home. Hawks are messangers and the message that came the next day where two job offers.

    I could go on and on about the sychronicities in my life.

  9. when i pose for group photos I ALWAYS get de ja vu

    i was stuck in  a place for months that i didn't want to be for 6 months, and I miracuosly got one else got out, and they didn't wanna be there either. I overheard someone pretending they had a good idea on how to get out, I tried it, and it worked. (no , I am not an escaped convict)

    I was in a VFD and they needed a guy from the ranks to promote to Lt.  One dude made up a lie about me( he wanted the promotion)  I got it anyway...

    I know these are all lame, but i felt what you are saying when they happened.  It would take me a few beers or some cups of coffee to explain point is , i know what you are saying.

  10. ya if you were a math or physics major, you'd know that's normal in this universe

    fractals .. blood veins, tree branches, river paths etc

    even on that methane moon titan or whatever with totally different elements than here

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