
Do you feel alone sometimes? Just alone, without anybody else who can help you?

by  |  earlier

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Maybe even if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, even if you have a lot of friends, relatives,....?? And why? Are you just paranoid?




  1. I feel alone sometimes even when I am with my BF.  I just feel like I need distractions to feel better.

  2. I often feel as if no one  at all can see past my outer shell, into the person within.

    I've had some rough experiences with depression, suicidal thoughts, and the death of a friend.  Since none of my family members or friends I know in real life have gone through anything remotely similar, I feel I am alone in the world with my problems.

    I've learned there's people who understand out there, though, one just has to look.

  3. I have felt alone in a huge group of people or even when my fiancee is in the same room. But it is a feeling of being disconnected. Like no one understands. And guess what....they don't. Everyone lives in their own reality. The most important thing is to know others do love you the best they can, but LOVE yourself and be your own best friend. I think in these days and times many of us feel severely alone.

  4. most of the times..."trust no1"...everything is a lie...every1 is is imagination...evn though i have a gf nd i have many frnds...nd am the most popular in my skl since evr...but still...i feel tht am alone on this planet

  5. At times my depression makes me feel alone in the world and that there is no hope for me. I try not to think about this.  I try to keep busy.

    Feeling alone is a lonely feeling.  

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