
Do you feel as proud as i do today of the BOKS:)?

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I have always been proud to be a South-African but today i cried tears of joy. Boks are doing excellent and so proud of them. Well done Boks, to the Samoan's the bigger you are , the harder you fall, i have never seen so many injustices done as on that field today, they did not get one yellow ticket, did not get punished , sent of the field for behaving like demented elephants and yet the S-Africans took it like men and played like men. Ohhhh my GOD, Welllll done. Love you allllll:)))))




  1. Boring defencive game and very predictable game plan from the Bokke. Territory and line outs. They will have to do more. Eddie Jones will have to start earning his money. (what a scum bag)

    Paul Honnis has probably confirmed himself as the worst ref of all time - terrible calls.

    RSA will never win it if they don't get on top of their discipline. They were the ones behaving like demented elephants not the Samoans.

  2. It was expected, it just shows that they have great potential, samoa put up a good fight but the Boks were too strong, England should be a walk over, you have one of the easiest groups except for NZ

  3. You have every right to be proud of your team and their win. Though I did feel for Samoa who received some shocking calls during the match and think your view of injustices are a little one sided.

  4. Well done South Africa and I look forward to visiting your great country in a few months time.

  5. Not at all ! I was actually expecting far more from the Sprinboks. Samoa were actually in with a chance and their hardly a force and you guys are favourits ? On that lack lustre performance Australia will wipe the table with you ! Habana is a genius though, gifted enough to be a Wallabie ! You need to improve.

  6. They made us proud!!!!! Go Bokke!!!!

  7. No , they are the only team in the World Cup Competition ,who`s selections are based on Race, rather than abitlity , on that basis , noboby could be proud of them , Aussie will kick their asses.

  8. ~ It's funny ~ the injustices I saw was Paul Honiss not sending Schalk Burger off in the opening minutes of the game and a disallowed try  by the touch judge that really took the wind out of Samoa's sail!  Brian Lima sorted himself out in that tackle!

    The Samoans are just as physical & brutal as the South Africans and went down fighting.  Very similar in my mind to the spirit of the Boks!

    Henry Tuilagi is clearly going to be a player to watch with ball in hand ~ what a powerhouse!

    Congrats to your team! ~

  9. BOKKE!!

    Me too, they've really come good. SA rugby has gone through a bad patch but we're back.

    You're right about the game but when SA persisted and were confidant to let the ball go to the back line for the try just before half time I thought we would be well on our way. Although the first 5 mins of the second half were hairy but the Samoans didn't have the legs and SA got onto the job instead of taking them on one on one physically.

    Great game.

    I can't believe Os is in there though, I remember him for '95.

    The answer is yes just as proud! The funny thing is yesterday my little 3 yr old boy went and got his Bok rugby jersey by himself and said he wanted to wear it, maybe he knows something I don't.

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  11. They played very well and i would put money on them going far in the tournament if not the title.

  12. the game of rugby is always easier when you have an advantage of 15 men to 16 as the boks did with paul hoeniss, the referee, coaching them through the game. you make it sound as if the boks have never committed an infingement on the rugby pitch, they can be just as dirty as the next team, but i will say that when they concentrate on playing 15 man rugby they are a joy to watch.

  13. Thrilled that we won, but thought it was a sloppy performance.  Didn't really think anyone performed to their ability except Habana.  I know we won by a big margin, but the 1st half wasn't good and the discipline was bad again.  The Ref also had a shocker, and allowed several infringements by BOTH sides.  But I am confident we will improve, and am excited for the game against England.

  14. Yes,yes,yes!!!! What a fantastic game! First 20 minutes really hairy but once we settled and got the wind back in our sails there was no going back.

    Were 2 lonely south africans in  an english pub, was funny to see the English shouting at the top of their voices for Samoa! Hope they feel the same when they get a battering.

    Was at the 1995 SA vs Samoa game , where they played as dirty as usual and almost wiped Joost out with another high tackle.

    Not saying we were entirly clean - but when in Rome!!!

    SA to win!!!

  15. Actually mate...I feel d**n sorry for the Samoans! Firstly the extended injury time just before the half allowing the Boks to run one in, then just after the half, following some superb play, a disallowed try (that was proven a try on replay) that ultimately could've seen the scores leveled at 14 all just after the break. Wouldn't that have made for some excellent rugby!?!

    I won't dis you for being proud, and don't doubt they should beat Samoa, but close the other eye for a minute and you might see some of the injustices served to the Samoans by one of the worst refereeing efforts I've seen of late...including two Boks tries awarded off forward in actual fact...the Samoans were quite unfortunately  punished!

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