
Do you feel -as time goes by -your freedom is slowly being taken away -?

by  |  earlier

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Do you feel -as time goes by -your freedom is slowly being taken away -?




  1. im g*y

  2. Yes.

  3. honestly yes i do and it stinks :)

  4. Yeah, and the saddest thing is... Venezuelans don't seem to realize it. They think nothing will happen to them, because Chavez is being very clever by doing things very slow so that they -we- don't notice.

  5. yes I do.  Thing is, no one wants to do anything about it.  voting doesnt do any good.  you just replace a crappy politician with another crappy politician.  American politicians arent affraid of the American people any more.

  6. yeah i also feel like i really need to eat this wrap here. but im too involved with Y!A to care. oh wait im working... darn i need to start sometime soon. i hate feeling like im imprisoned here

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