
Do you feel bad for Vietnam? tell why?

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tell about how much money they probably get or that kind of stuff.




  1. There is really no need to feel bad for Vietnam. They are a country with tough people. They work hard, and honest. They are developing at an incredible pace.

    I just hope they don't make all the mistakes every developing country makes... corrupt politicians channeling government funds into their bank accounts

  2. TOOO MAAANY PEOPLE.  Less people and more productivity would improve the economy.  Vietnam like other 3rd world countries suffer from too much poor people having kids even though they can't afford too.  I advocate safe s*x programs; no I'm not kidding.  Slower population growth and more concentration on improving output and bringing in tourism would improve the economy.

  3. I feel bad for Vietnam because just like many countries in South East Asia, rampant corruption from the top leaders of the government down to the lowest man in authority is the main culprit that cause the country's poor to remain poor forever. Jobs are so scare and many poor family had to let their young girls become prostitutes to help out and while the young men only option is to look for day to day work for subsistence. On the other hand, the powerful men in government siphone easy money from the many "government funds and projects" (which were supposed to

    help the poor) to their own coffers. For every dollar meant to help the poor, probably less than a cent reaches the poor. Corruption is incurable like cancer and ultimately its the poor that suffers the most. Vietnam will remain poor unless they have  "God-Sent"

    leaders. Bless Vietnam - they have suffered enough.

  4. Roti prat has given you a great answer,i live in Vietnam,and what i would find hard they seem to take in there stride.They are a wonderfull race off people and deserve a little more luck.

  5. whats vietnam?

  6. I do feel sorry for them right now.  they have had 3 typhoons that have done a lot of damage and killed people.  As for their economy is it growing.  I visit there often and each time we go it seems less and less poverity. Anyway it is a great country and so much fun to visit. cheers

  7. Roti gave the cup-half-empty answer; I'm going to give you a cup-half-full answer here.

    As someone growing up in Vietnam, then leaving the country (boat people), then visiting the country three times in the last five years, my view might only be half-truth here.  But it will reflect an interesting change, as you will see.

    In the first ten years after the war, 1975 to 1985, Vietnam was in a recovery-from-war mode, when the economy wasn't progressing, human right and freedom were severely affected (hence the wave of the boat people), and there was a lot of uncertainty in Vietnam.  For this generation, that was a strugging time.  During this time, Vietnam was also briefly involved in wars with Cambodia and China.  As a result, education/economy was stagnant.  For the next ten years, 1985 to 1995, the former Soviet Union underwent major transformation, and as did China.  Changes in these two major communist countries, I believe, did have a major impact on Vietnam.  As a result, Vietnam has started to open up to the world more and improve (however small/slight) economy.  Since then there has been improvement in Vietnam's economy.  The government has gradually given up or changed many (not-working) economic policies coming from the original Max/Lenin time.  So at the moment the country is undergoing some major shifts in education/economy.  One good thing going for Vietnam now is that all of the country's youngers have minimal experience with the war.  This generation is hence looking ahead, rather than looking back at the sad/painful past.  There are still many bad things, as mentioned by other folks here.  Corruption, for example, is still pervasive in many walks of life in Vietnam.  And IMO, this is the primary reason why it will still be a slow road back for Vietnam.  Economic infrastructures are still poor (road, electricity, internet, etc., esp. in smaller cities & rural areas.)  Economic leadship is still weak, IMO.  Average wage is still low, but it has been improving.  One thing is clear though: Vietnam is still one of the more educated country in the world, and with current and future foreign investments (e.g. see Intel) there is no place for Vietnam to go but up :-).

    In summary, I feel optimistic for Vietnam.  During all my trips there, I have seen improvements each and every time.  My friends there have also been doing better.  Security in major cities have also been better, e.g. there seems less crime in these cities.

  8. most of vietnam people live in poor. most of girl force to work in young age coz the salary so small. about $50-70 per month if i not mistake.

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