
Do you feel bad or good after eating fast food?

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I know how i feel.....




  1. It depends on what place your ordered from.

  2. It depends what I eat there. I usually feel good if I get a grilled chicken sandwich with water instead of a Big Mac & Coke.

  3. Personally, places like Mcdonalds and KFC make me feel like c**p. All the grease just gets to me after a while and makes me feel gross and discusting. But places like subway and quizno's don't do that so much. Probably because it actually had servings of healthy and nutritious vegetables in it?

  4. kinda bad

  5. i feeel sooooooooooooooooooo good!

  6. After I watched Super-Size me I definetly feel bad  even after I watched that movie!

  7. i feel like im dying, literally.

  8. bad

  9. Sometimes it tastes good, but it's still bad for you...

  10. Usually if I eat alot of it I feel really sick. If I eat it every so often it feels SOOOO good!!! :)

  11. haha why would anyone feel good...

  12. Oh man after I eat at In N Out, i feel so good. so full and satisfied, espcially if you wait to eat that all day, oh its the best feeling..

  13. Gooood!

  14. GREAT

  15. depends on the place.

  16. now I only eat fast food maybe 10 times a year  when on road trips and there's no other options,  , and  I feel bad because I'm not used to it.  when I was younger I'd probably eat it a 2 or 3 times a week and I remember loving the quarter pounder at mc. d's.   Now the thought it it makes me sick.

  17. Good because it tastes soooo amazing

    Bad because I know it's slowly killing me from the inside out

    So...both I guess.  LoL

  18. depends on the place especially mcdonalds makes me feel horrible have you ever seen super size me?

  19. i feel so guilty and want to vomit  yikes!!!!!!!1

  20. sometimes i feel good sometimes i feel bad. but i always jog every morning.

  21. I feel DISCUSTING! I just want to throw it up immediately. So i don't have any idea what makes us crave it so much.

  22. I feel like i have no energy

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