
Do you feel bad when eating meat?

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in front of a vegetarian or vegan?




  1. I don't feel bad it's everyones own choice to eat meat or not.  but if we had to kill the meat we eat ourselves I wonder how many of us would still eat it, I for one wouldn't be able to kill an animal. Does this make me a little hipocritical?  

  2. I feel bad whenever I eat meat. If you think about it, it really isn't right nor fair for us to be fattening up animals so we can kill them. It's not right to do that, say some other species comes to earth or say humans were like cows, you wouldn't want to be fattened up and then killed. Well anyway, EATING ANIMALS IS WRONG!!!!

  3. No I don't feel bad eating meat in front of them. Its my choice to eat meat and their choice to not eat it. I hate it when they try to preach their belief on me though. I love meat and, it is one of the 4 food groups.  I am an omnivore, I like to eat meat and vegies. Although a lot of the time i'm more of a carnivore.

  4. sorta, 1 of my best friends is a vegetarian, so i feel kinda strange when i eat meat in front of her

  5. Of course most people don't feel bad, because they don't think about what they're actually eating and what it went through to get to their plate. If they did actually choose to think about the nasty process, they would consider the veg lifestyle.

    -Out of Sight, Out of Mind.- Most people do not see what a lot of vegetarians see, when they see meat. They don't see an animal at any stage of suffering.  Thus, the horrors of the meat-harvesting industry are forgoetten and dismissed as unimportant, because they are not seen and thought about.  Sadly this behavior is rampant among otherwise compassionate people!  

  6. No. I even butcher my own sometimes. The vegetarian lady from church never comes to visit during hunting season. She saw my husband pulling a deer out of the back of his truck once and I thought she was going to hurl.

  7. i feel bad eating meat at all. poor animals, dying for humans' selfish way of survival.  

  8. I'm a vegetarian and my friends used to get weirded out eating meat in front of me. We used to sit in Burger King and everyone but me was eating. Then people would notice me averting my eyes and start apologising for eating a burger. It used to be really funny because I've always hated Burger King's food and it had nothing to do with being a vegetarian.  

  9. nope sometimes i even offer them some!

  10. no not at all, it is their choice not to eat meat..and not all of them eat it because they feel bad, some think it is dirty to eat meat and thats why they are vegan/vegitarians.  i have had several co workers who were vegitarians and they had no prob with me eating meat so i dont worry about it either.

  11. well i'm a vegan, and my friends who eat meat are always saying how bad they feel about eating it infornt of me, even though i  tell them that i'm fine with it and i dont care what it is theyre eating as long as i'm not the one eating it

  12. yes. i stopped being vegetarian recently because my protein supplements stopped working and i got sick. but i always feel bad eating meat, under any circumstances. i hate eating meat.

  13. It's weird some of my non-veg friends and family when eating meat around me feel guilty and bad because I am vegan, but I say don't feel bad for me or think about me, think about the animal you are eating! They don't compute.

  14. My favorite Jim Gaffigan quote:

    "Animals.. fun to pet.. more fun to chew."

  15. I am a vegan and I don't care if people eat meat in front of me.  It's a free country.  Just like meat eaters don't feel bad when I eat my vegan food in front of them.

  16. No...never. I know it's bad and I respect vegetarians. Was one myself for a while but a bacon sandwich got involved. But I eat meat now and thats my decision too. I dont ask vegetarians to eat meat infront of me so why should it go the other way.

  17. nope. i feel very full though afterwards.

    and i feel very curious of what that vegetarian is thinking of me at that moment.

  18. h**l no if anything I feel good. I don't eat too much meat though. I read somewhere it messes with vibrations or something like that. Funny enough veggies have good vibrations lol

  19. No, the animal is already dead and I am eating it to show I respected the animal that died to sustain me.  Its more of an insult for the vegetarian to not eat meat because they just waste the animals life by not using any part of it for their own good.

  20. no.  my vegetarian friends feel bad watching me eat meat..

    one actually physically becomes ill and than doesn;t eat vegetarian food

    until next scheduled meal time..

  21. nope, eating meat is natural. why do you think we have those sharp fangs on either side of our mouth. They're for meat. Plus vegetarians and vegans have to take meat replacement pills, that doesn't sound very natural to me.

  22. yeah. sure but like idk. i guess that they would understand. many more times, i just think that OMG! we're killing animals for our survival, and then i stop eating it. :D

  23. no, that is their choice and I respect that they have made that choice, and i except them to respect my choice to eat meat

  24. Nope.  I appreciate the fact that this animal gave its life to provide me with nourishment that my body needs.  It's the circle of life.

  25. nope i love meat. i know animals die for me to eat it but thats not my problem. although they may be being to put to death a little inhumanely, they still taste great!

  26. No, because I am vegetarian, so I don't eat meat in front of anyone. I also don't feel bad eating meat-free food in front of meat eaters.

  27. I do it every day at work in front of my collegue who is a vegetarian. If the meat makes my belly happy then I could really care less.

  28. Nope.

    Humans are animals, omnivores at that. We're suppose to eat other animals and plants. Our methods of raising meat isn't always ethical but oh well, I'm not gonna starve myself and live on a vegetarian diet.

    Also I'm Christian, my religion says nothing about what types of food I should eat.

  29. Why should someone feel bad? It's the vegetarian or vegans choice to not eat meat, not everyone around them.

  30. nope ,there decision to be a vegetarian .

  31. Yes, because they made a commitment in thier lives about eating any meat. And I do feel bad!

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