
Do you feel bad when your child miss a day from school ?

by Guest58343  |  earlier

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i mean if your child ***** go to school for any reason .. being sick or busy or any problem .. does it make you feel bad ? Not in the sense tht you get mad at thm but like whenever my daughter misses a day from school i feel a bit bad .. is it normal ?




  1. Yes I do!. I send them in unless they are vomiting or contagious. School is soooo important!. missing out even a day can set them behind and make them feel anxious about being a little  behind the curriculum.

  2. No if they can't they can't

  3. yea I do I guess,  I am always concerned about what they are going to miss, how much more work they are going to have to do to catch up.  

    And my kid is one of those kids who loves school,  so he is like begging for me to take him to school.  and really laying it on thick.  

    example,  My son broke his wrist,  at school.   I took him to the hospital,  he wanted me to return him to school.  ok  his arm did not grow back properly and he had to have surgery to fix it.   I spent three days with a screaming bawling kid who only wanted to go to school.  he is 9.  

    So yea I know the feeling.

  4. I'm not a parent, but I always felt bad when I had to miss a day of high school; not because I loved school, but because if you missed PE class, you had to go to the track after school and run laps in order to make up the time you missed. Just because of that, I rarely stayed home, even when I was sick.

  5. No i Dont. I just dont want her to miss mroe than 3 days and whren she misses more then that i start to worry that she will have a hard time when she gets back. I hope this helped!


  6. It is normal for parents who have been told over and over by the school system that their child will lose out by not being in school.

    This is not true, of course.

  7. Only times my kids miss school is when they are sick, no I don't feel bad because I'm doing what is best for my children by keeping them home.

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