
Do you feel guilty that someone cleans your house or takes care of your yard? ?

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Last year I taught special-ed (emotionally draining at times), took a full load in school, and served as PTA president. I am generally a multi-tasker and can handle my four children (and their activities) and husband as well as my other responsibilities with ease. has become increasingly difficult since my husband is now working out of town A LOT! He helped so much with the baby that I was able to do the little things without cook, clean, and bathe.

We have discussed (and agreed) to have someone take care of cleaning the house a few times a month as well as hiring someone to tend to our landscaping. HERE'S my dilemma. I resigned from work for the year in order to complete my Master's....and now I feel guilty at the thought of someone cleaning up after my family and dealing with things that I feel are MY responsibility...especially since I am not working. I have yet to hire anyone.....and my husband will return from out of town this evening and wonder why I have not done so. Am I feeling overly guilty for nothing? Or am I shirking my own responsibilities?

The Fall semester will begin in a week and I am not looking forward to the 24-7 shuffle from the university to the babysitter to school a to school b to school c to karate to football to another football game to a pta meeting to the babysitter to the university to home and so on. Another side note and yes...I realize I am sounding very whiny right now....I am miserable when the house is not clean! It is just about the only thing that can put me in a grouchy mood. So, I guess the question is, have you ever found yourself in a similar situation...and what did you do?




  1. there is absolutely no reason for you to be ashamed or to feel guilty about having someone do your yardwork, or your housework.. sounds like you have a full menu already, and I wouldn't let anybody guilt me into any other kind of reasoning in this..  

  2. I had someone clean my house every week for about 3 years.  Yes, at first I felt guilty, but when I came home from work and found the house clean, I felt such a relief!!!  You are allowed to feel guilty, but believe me, after you feel the stress taken off of you, you won't feel guilty about it for long.  You're a very busy woman, and if you can afford it, have someone clean and do the yardwork!  Don't you think your plate is full enough without having to worry about those jobs?  Relax and enjoy it!  It won't last forever.

  3. you ARE working, being a parent and going to school to provide a better life for your children. do i feel guilty? no, that is their chosen profession and i pay them very well for their services

  4. God, I would never feel guilty.  We have had both and it was such a relief not to have to take up precious free time doing them ourselves.  Chalk it off as one less thing for you to stress over and hire someone.

  5. It sounds as though your time is occupied with family and your studies so if you can afford it go for it. Not only does it assist you but it also gives two people employment.  I have been in similar situations during my life and my family always came first. I never did have a maid however always used my children's grandmother and Aunt. My payback was doing construction in their houses for free.  Our children grow to fast to miss whats going on in their lives.

  6. As long as you can afford it, I see no reason to feel guilty.  Look at it this way, you're giving people a job!

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