
Do you feel guilty when you don't recycle?

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Do you feel guilty when you don't recycle?




  1. yes, it to me is a matter of what we are responsible for as God left us the caretakers of this planet. We should respect the planet as well as others as each does impact our lives and the future of others.

  2. nope

  3. no, but I am a moron.

  4. Sort of, but then again millions of people aren't doing it too..

    I always worry about how much trash we got.. because then where else can we place it when the place before is filled?

  5. No, because I pretty much recycle everything.  Everything gets used at least twice before it goes in the recycling bin.  I feel guilty when my husband throws stuff away without recycling, so I sometimes sneak things out of the trash when he isn't looking and put them in the recycling bin.

  6. I accept that it is the responsibility of every individual to recycle but I truly believe that local authorities are playing at this as if it is a new "fad" instead of a serious issue.I don't know whether I believe in global warming there is evidence on either side which makes it difficult to come down on one side or the other.but as far as recycling is concerned surely this is just pure logic to get the best out of a product and if that means passing it around to dozens of people as I do with magazines etc then finally putting it in recycle bin all well and good.What really P's me off though is every Mon morning to watch the "recycle lorry " staff empty mine and my neighbours bins then drive away with paper blowing out of the back of the lorry leaving a trail of mess behind them, take a look at villages and towns after their rounds, they only collect glass plastics tins and paper so then comes the refuse lorry because my local authority does not collect cardboard or garden refuse or household waste this has to go in the bins I make sure all is wrapped thoroughly but some people do not ( usually the same ones that do not put recycling out,the bin men empty the bins and most collection days leave behind all the mess that has fallen from the said bins because the bin men are in such a hurry to load up and be away,every week after both these lorries have made their visit our street looks like the local tip.I have complained several times to my L.A. they are not interested.because of this I am beginning to feel recycling is just a ploy by the government to divert attention from other things and I should give up what do others feel ?

  7. I feel guilty when I throw stuff out that

    looks good but isn't recycled yet cause

    no one figured out what to do with it??

  8. I feel terrible but I'm laying my guilt at my local authority's door....they only take bottles and paper.  I don't have the facility to drive to the amenity site with anything, so stuff like cardboard (of which I seem to have TONS), 'green' household waste, plastic containers, etc etc etc., just have to go into the black bags.   I have a HUGE wheelie bin for garden rubbish but as I have a postage stamp garden (no room for composting unfortunately) , this rarely has much in it and I'm not allowed to use it for kitchen waste.  

    AND - can somebody tell me why things like Yellow Pages are not acceptable for recycling?  Yet one more item for the landfill!

    Ok, grumpy old lady moan over. :)


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