
Do you feel if your husband is cheating you?

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Do you feel if your husband is cheating you?




  1. Yes women have an intuition that lets them pick up on clues that tell them if their man is cheating.  

  2. People only feel like that when they have done something wrong in their relationship.

    So im guessing your having guilt trips right now.

  3. i didnt. hindsight is 20/20 though. id notice it next time. you never forget

  4. Sometimes there is the gut wrenching feeling that tells you he's doing something. Alot of times it's his signs men do give off signs when their cheating just like women.

  5. Sometimes instincts can be wrong.

    Be careful about accusing sweety.

  6. yes u can definitely feel it, u feel doom, and despair, but can't exactly put your finger on whats wrong only that things have changed, and not for the best.

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