
Do you feel it is kinda iffy now?

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a year ago, breaking Petes's record was a sure thing, just a matter of when, what do you think now?




  1. I still think he will break Pete's slam record is a sure thing, sooner or later.  Just the matter of time. I am not his fan but I believe he can.

  2. just now it looks very iffy if Fed can break Pete's record of 14 grand slams. if i remember correct, Pete was already 31 when he won his last GS tournament, the US Open in 2002. i think Pete was somewhat lucky to win a GS that late but i still expect Fed can make 3 GS until 2010.

    after today's loss to Stepanek in the press conference Fed was asked: "some people say the year 2008 seems to be the beginning of the end (of your career)"

    Fed: next question please!


  3. I know two things for sure that Roger is not dumb and he will not retire before he breaks Pete's record. Secondly, it is just a matter of how, when and where he does it. I also believe that he will set a record of his own. What a moment would that be! Go Rogi !

  4. Sadly, it is starting to look that way. He's looked decidedly off form all year so far. Thankfully, with Wimbledon just round the corner, he has a chance to break the slump and grab a Major. He is still only 26, so he has plenty of time on his side and the drop-off has been so pronounced that you feel its only a matter of time before he gets back on form. A dominant player simply doesn't lose all of his ability over night. As far as the notion that the competition has caught up to him, I say that's nonsense. OK, Nadal and Djokovic (who have both beaten him this year) are legitimate competition, but can the same REALLY be said of Mardy Fish and Radek Stepanek? I think not.

    He is in a slump but time is still on his side, so I'd give him a 75/25 chance of breaking Pete's record. Most likely, but by no means a foregone conclusion.

  5. he can still break pete's record... if he will not lose a lot to other players this year... because many people thinks he's going down.. but he's still the world #1 we can never tell..

  6. yes this is just a big bump in the road for him.... he is not going to lose all of his tennis skills this fast.... and the rest of the field will not get better that fast...

    the grand slams are a different aura.. fedex will do better there,   anything can happen.... and he will break sampras record.....

  7. he would still break it , its just that it would tale little more time for it to happen

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