
Do you feel it when you?

by  |  earlier

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I'll try to ask this question as softly as possible lol.

Women, when you accidentally bump or brush up against a guys groinedal region, do you know you've done it? I ask because my roomate seems to "bump" into me maybe a little more than she should. I'm trying to figure out if she's clumsy or just a pervert lol




  1. Hmmmm, sounds like she is just trying to "feel you".  Nobody is THAT clumbsy.  I"d bring it up to her the next time she does it.

  2. Generally, I do notice, not all the time but 8 times out of 10 I would say I notice...she probably *is* a pervert...

    You will have to start sleeping and bathing fully clothed

  3. She knows it. Trust me! Try bumping back!

  4. honest girl opinion right here: if a girl does not feel you in any way she will try her hardest to not BUMP in to you. Especially if she is ur roommate! ( been a roomate to 2 guys ) NEver did i rub up against them if i needed  to get by i just waited for them to move

    she is trying to flirt but maybe she is just waiting for you to try it back or something.  

  5. Sounds to me like she likes you and is flirting.  She is trying to send you a signal by brushing up against you.  You should talk to her about it.

  6. Lol, I think she likes you honey!

  7. She's interested

  8. Sometimes I do it on purpose...but I don't do it to strangers or friends. Just guys I'm dating.

    If she keeps at it, do the accidental boob brush!  JK LOL

    She probably likes you...or she's trying to determine how well endowed you are.  If it bugs you, when she does it again, jerk away from her very obvious-like. She'll realize that you notice she did it...

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