
Do you feel like a big loving family in this section?

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Everyone here is so open minded and accepting of anything, besides trolls dont you think this section is really nice and fun?


are you L, G, B, T? or anything else?




  1. Yeah it is, i think its far less judgmental & more understanding

    I'm Bi

  2. YESSS!!! I like it here!!! I feel we are like one big multi-cultural family thriving at Y!A (minus the trolls)

    I'm L !!

  3. aww, yeah i am starting to.  even the trolls remind me of the little obnoxious neighbor kid next door...

    i am physically male attracted to females (95% i think), still trying to figure out what i truly feel inside... somewhere between 50 and 90% feminine gendered...

    i guess that means i am Q!  (for questioning :P)

    plus someone nice just said i sound like "any normal person at the beginning of transition" so that is friendly and confidence boosting

  4. Kind of :)

    Basically everyone in this section is really nice..except for a few strange people and the trolls...and there is a much smaller chance of getting banned here then there is in P&S, R&S, and Celebrities.....

    I'm g*y

  5. Yeah, people seem very nice and helpful in this section. I used to spend all my time in Books and Authors, but this is much more interesting.

    G, btw.

  6. we're a big gayo family and the trolls are our annoying cousins.

    i'm a g*y genderqueer.  

  7. Yes, I love this section! Mostly everyone is really nice, and you can always get some great advice.

    I'm pansexual.

  8. yup =D

    everyone is so kind =D


    and a big G =D

  9. Yes! I love this place. :D

    It's my favorite section by far.

    I'm Ellleee.

    Meaning L.

    Meaning a L*****n.

  10. Yeah, I do!! And I love you people. So, so much. ;)

    *Group hug*...

    And that L is MY preciousssssssss...

    *Eats it up and runs away* =D

    Btw, I'm a regular over at R&S too. So let's just say:

    This section is MUCH more peaceful than the constant "religious war" that is going on over there. ;)

  11. Yes, but maybe I feel a lil bit like the Redheaded Stepchild b/c I'm in and out so often haha

    And that would be an L here!

  12. well I'm actually not a LGBT but people in this section is the only people I honestly want to have afternoon tea party with, have poker games with, and chatting together. even more than the duchesses, the marquisses, the comtesses, or the baronesses in Versailles

  13. Yes it does have a family feel to it.  There are some wonderful people here, people I trust, and it can be a nice place.  It's definitely fun, there was a question yesterday from someone asking who wanted to go outside and kick a ball with them and it's just the idea that people feel they can ask ridiculous (no offense!) questions like that which adds to the sense of fun.  And of course, it would have been even more fun to be able to go out and actually have a kick around too.  

    The trolls can spoil the the fun, but you get a sense of "family" when most of us land on those trolls like a ton of bricks.  

    I'm an L.  

  14. This is definitely my favorite section despite the trolls (although some of them are hilarious; Eleanor told me I was a shameful sinner) and the unfair violation notices. A lot of the other sections are as boring as wet cardboard or else are filled with fighting and chaos. This group is much more pleasant and people so much more friendly, open-minded and creative.

    Oh, I'm g*y.

  15. Yup yup pretty much =]

    I'm a L*****n  

  16. yeah, i like a lot of the ppl here. they are so cool to talk to and socialize w/'s really fun!!

    im...B-A (I consider myself bi-asexual)

    or if you wanna make it simple just a big 'ol B!

    things can change i guess...who knows...i can just love everybody!  

  17. Im a big "ol" G!!  And yes, I consider all of you as my close, little, cyber family.

    Hugs and kisses to all you b*tches!!!

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