
Do you feel like you're being watched when you go shop at a convenience store

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Is it my paranoia, or is that every time I go into a convenience store (Target, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.) I feel like I'm being surveilled. I love to look and shot around after I've got the item that I am going to purchase. So then a store clerk or salesman always seems to be where I am "fixing" and "rearranging" items on the shelves on the same aisle that I'm shopping on.

Then sometimes they'll approach me which is very helpful asking if I need help with something, but I question it because after I say no thank you politely and leave from that aisle they have already left that same aisle that they were "fixing" and "rearranging".

I've only stole once out of a store that was Bi-Lo when I was like 8 LOL. It was a Watermelon blowpop! And sure enough my mom found out and rear end was numb for a week. So stealing is not my game.

Is it a racial thing, my paranoia, or just the store clerks doing their job?

And if this happens again, what can I do to confront the manager? If it will be necessary?




  1. We're all being watched everywhere we go these days and it does seem to be store policy in most places to have EVERY employee ask if you need help, so don't worry, you're not the only one that feels a little paranoid. I try to keep in mind that they're watching and give them something to laugh about (like pulling my panties out of my crack) when I think I should be alone on an aisle, but know I'm not.  

  2. All the time! I'm a young black female that has a shadow I don't recognize=(

  3. just  be  careful    over   things

  4. First, convenience stores are those little stores like 7/11 or whatever, and I feel like I'm being watched in those all the time!  In Department stores like Target, Walmart or whatever, not so much.  I think you may be a little paranoid.  Sure, in retail they're supposed to watch everybody, so it's not just you.  I'm not saying there's never a time when you're being watched because of your skin tone, I'm just saying maybe it's not as much as you think it is.

  5. i don't feel like people look at my like i'm gonna steal anything... not in big department stores anyway.  i know some small places with private shop owners watch EVERYONE.  but no, at big department stores, i don't feel as though security or workers single me out.

  6. Some places watch people who are young looking. I get followed in stores sometimes. I just feel sorry for the person following me around because they could be busy actually finding someone who is stealing. But I think that maybe you're a little paranoid a lot of times workers are really just straitening an aisle. If they ask you if you need help before they are finished with their work then they may never get back to it and then get yelled at later about it. For some reason in certain places when you say you were helping a customer they just don't want to hear it.  

  7. Of course you are being watched! We all are! :)

    All kinds of people steal. I get "watched" and I'm an average-looking young woman. I wouldn't take it personally. They're just doing their jobs.

    If a store employee harasses you or falsely accuses you, however, that's a whole different ball game

  8. I feel the same way in small stores.Not so much in large dept.stoes where there are allot of people shopping.

    I am white and middle aged  if there is a sterotype for a shoplifter, I don't know.

    I always feel weird if I go into a store and don't buy something, sort of feel like they may think I was trying to take something but changed my mind.

    I am paranoid too.

  9. I know how you feel. They always watch teenagers and suspect us of stealing (which is probably because a lot of teenagers do) although as a non-stealing teenager it annoys me and those security cameras freak me out as you never know who's behind the lens watching what's going on.  

  10. could be your age, alot of people seem to have the belief kids do nothing but steal.

  11. If you don't plan on stealing you shouldn't be paranoid.

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