
Do you feel like you've learned a lot on here about what's paranormal what's not paranormal?

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Have the skeptics convinced you that some of the experiences on here weren't paranormal..but have scientific explanations?




  1. No, I grew up in a haunted house and have had paranormal phenomena around me all my life. If you read through my answers on here you will see. Also everything I have said on here is true, you only have my word for that. All I can say is I don't know any of you and have no need to lie...If you can be bothered that is...

  2. No,as I to grew up in a haunted house.  Even my Aunt and mother grew up in haunted houses and like me I have honestly never not lived in or stayed with anyone whose house was not haunted also.

        My first ghost I ever saw was that of a woman and my brother and I started to scream as loud as we could.  I learn ed from my Grandmother what a ghost was and the paranormal and supernatural were all about that night.

        I am in a Great Paranormal investigation and research Group.  I do not allow myself to take the rotten and mean, hurtful people say about what I KNOW it to be true.  I learn ed from the woman on both sides of the family and I learn ed from experience.  I would never take any Sceptic's ideas.  One has to experience it before you can even begin to understand what h**l a person who has been put through because of our knowledge and true experiences of the Paranormal.  I chose to understand it rather to run away from what was in my life.  So, My answer is No.

  3. Yes I have learned a lot on here. Have any skeptics convinced me one way or the other ? - No.

    Every situation or story I come accross, I analize with an open mind based on what I know. Before scientific understanding of natural occurances, there were a lot of frightened people about willing to put things into the "God and Spirits category"

    Ball lightning, and static distcharges are cases that were not understood untill quite recently.

    I think ionisation of air and it's behavoir wil be the next step.

    Just because we don't understand the mechanisms involved, we have put it in a paranormal category. This therefore is a good reason to collect data and try to find the reasons behind it.

    - Which is why I am a paranormal investigator.

    (On the trail of a new vision of a funeral coach and 4 horses in town - experienced by my partner and I................more investigation needed)

  4. Yes I have learnt alot, but Im more into the Parapsychology, than paranormal. I dont usually come over here and browse. I like to ask other,s opinions on topics that Im researching.

  5. Yes and it looks like a game in what we learn what we are interested in.

  6. These two words "instinct" and "paranoid / para-normal" have never been defined - perhaps not possible.

    But 'instinct' is a positive word , have some positive use also for an individual and in individual capacity. Means .. we may not explain it to others ... and even should not.

    Further, may be, as we were animals some thousands yrs ago ( sorry for them who do not believe in the "Theory of evolution" by Charles Darwin ), the animal instinct is still with us. Have seen the 'instinct' of a dog ? (again sorry)

    Another point is to be mentioned: most of the scientists believe that till to-day we do not know the full power of our brain, to elaborate, the full power of our brain has not yet been explored. It is said that the saints or 'sadhus' in ancient India, by the use of "Yaga" used to activate the un-tapped brain portion to forecast the future ...!! The discussion do not end here ... it may start and go on. Thanks

  7. I respect the message that skeptics are trying to send,but i still don't appreciate being called crazy in so many words.

    I do believe that a lot of hauntings may have a natural explanation,but everything just can't be explained away and it's not fair to offend people in the process.

  8. Bugger!....I always thought paranormal was when your chute opened properly.....

    Mind you....I also thought that unisex was something you had at college

  9. Nothing to me is paranormal.  What's abnormal is when people can't see, feel, or hear  what to me is perfectly normal!

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