
Do you feel like you are often misjudged?

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Do you feel like you are often misjudged?




  1. it's more often then not that when people are "judged" it's incorrect. if not, it wouldn't really be judging, would it ? haha.

    for me, i'm blonde so therefore i'm assumed to be stupid & full of myself. no honey, it's just that when i came out of my mother's v****a, my hair color was blonde. that's all there is to it.

    people think they know everything, that's the problem.

  2. Oh yeah, all the time.  I'm quiet and keep to myself, and I've been told I seem "s****." at first.  I think shyness is often misinterpreted.

  3. sometimes I wear something on the skimpy side

    and people get the wrong idea lol :)

  4. Absolutely!  In the first place: I have a "condition," but since it does not look like I do, people misunderstand me all the time.  In the second place: Since I am bluntly honest, and tell people what they NEED to hear rather than what they WANT to hear, I am subject to, shall we say, shoot the messenger if you cannot refute his message.

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