
Do you feel like you don't know where to look when you see a man with a beard eating a banana?

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Do you feel like you don't know where to look when you see a man with a beard eating a banana?




  1. Not since I was 7

  2. Not as much as when I seen a man with a nose ring that went to his chin in a restaurant eating a bowl of soup.... That was weired!

  3. I can't ever recall seeing a man with a beard eating a banana if I am honest :)

  4. I don't know where to look when anyone is eating a banana and I wouldn't dream of eating one myself in public

  5. yeah. is it the same for you when an ugly nun licks the sauce from a kebab?

  6. That'll explain why I never get bananas now.

  7. YESS!

  8. No, why would you?

  9. My mind is not perverted, so no.

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