
Do you feel like your a great mom??

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And how much time do you spend doing educational activities with your child or children?




  1. I know that I am a good mother.... I provide for my child in every way possible.... emotionally, physically... since my daughter is only five months old,  I encourage her to crawl, I sit and watch Dora the Explorer with her as well as reading books to her

  2. I do feel like a great mom but also feel like I'm still learning LOL, my dd is 6 months and everything is still so new, I feel like me and her have a great relationship and she is a healthy happy baby so I must be doing something right! ( o :

  3. Yes, I am a great Mom. My son and daughter are grown, have a job, and living on their own with their families.

    Not only did I spend time with them going to the library, plays, social events and children activities. I also  taught them to strive to better themselves through education, but to respect others. "You should love your children and teach them things so others may love them too."

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