
Do you feel like your pregnancy is lasting forever?

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I am 33 weeks and 2 days today and feel like my pregnancy is never going to end. I know I only have 6.5 weeks left but its going so slow! The first 2 trimesters flew by. Anyone else feel like their pregnancy is never going to end?




  1. Oh yeah! I'm right there with you. I'm 33 weeks today and feel like an elephant (meaning size and the fact that I feel like I've been pregnant for 2 years, lol). My first trimester flew by because I felt miserable all the time, and the second flew by because I felt so good! Now it's crrrrrrawllllinggggg by! Good luck with your baby!

  2. i'm 39 weeks, and i have come to the conclusion that i'm just going to stay pregnant forever. but, if he stays in there untill he's 18, i'll have to start charging him rent.

  3. I know what you mean, the last trimester seems to last forever, get lots of rest while you can.

  4. dude, i totally know what you mean

    i am 36 weeks with twins and time has completely stopped,

    its like the only thing changing is how big my bump is!

    i feel like i have been pregnant with my boy and girl for 9865 years.

    its wild!

  5. I totally agree. My first two trimesters went by like crazy and now that we're so close I feel like time has stopped.

  6. enjoy because your going to miss it once it is over :)

  7. 31 weeks and it feels like Ive been pregnant for 5 years! I just want my baby girl in my arms and control of my body back! LOL!  

  8. My daughter is 3 months old, but my last month of pregnancy... ugh I thought it would never freakin end! When I started going to the doctor every week towards the end, I was already 3 cms dilated and 80% effaced. I went home every appointment convinced my water was going to break on the ride home. I drank raspberry leaf tea to try and start my contractions, went for walks, ate spicy food.... and ended up being induced 10 days past my due date. but you know what, as much as I love being a mommy I do miss being pregnant a little bit... giving birth was the best day of my life.  

  9. I'm 7.5 months and mine is flying by! I'm sure once I get closer the anticipation will get to me! Good luck

  10. omg i totaly  know how ur feeling. im 32 weeks and 1 day with a boy and ever since i hit 29 weeks the time has been passing by so slow.tell u the truth im starting to get bored cuz i feel like its never gonna happen. lets just hope we dont go past 40 weeks..or than well be in trouble.

    lol good luck!

  11. Well, next thing you know you'll be in the hospital having the baby! It will go by quicker!

  12. I'm almost 32 wks and I feel like I've been pregnant for forever!

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